Sunday, 18 September 2016


Jesus Christ, during  His earthly Ministry said, ".... The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel" Mk 1:15. This is the most URGENT MESSAGE for every human being living on earth today! The message of the salvation of our souls is the most urgent message of the hour globally. Many people today are living carelessly without thinking about eternity and where their souls will live for ever. Many are busy accumulating the wealth of this world without thinking about heaven. The Bible says what shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul in hell fire for ever? As you are reading this article, many have mistakingly missed heaven and they are crying profusely asking for a second chance to come and amend their ways which is now too late! Note, the issue of your salvation is not a matter to joke with. Look, if you miss heaven you miss it for ever. It is as you are alive now you can take decision where you will spend your eternity! If die without Christ there is no amount of crying or weeping that will take you to heaven. And there is no amount of showers of praises and good testimonies of you by people at your burial that will change your location in eternity if you have failed to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior before you died! This is the urgent message for every human being that is alive today. Secondly, if you say you have now repented and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior, the next most crucial thing you must do now, is to separate yourself from the world and start living a holy life. It is written without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. It is also written that because the God who called you is Holy you must be holy in all manner of life! 1Pet 1:15,16. Holiness of life is a must for all those who will see God on the last day. You must be Holy inside - No malice, No manifestation of anger against neighbours, No gossip, there should be no spirit of Immorality found in you such as fornication, homosexuality, gayism etc. You must also be Holy in your appearance. Your dressing code must match with your Christian confession and profession! Look, God is seriously concerned about His children's physical out look. Don't let anybody or Preacher deceive you with sugar coated mouth that God is only concerned about your heart. God is  very much concerned about your body, what you put on. Rom 12:2, 1Tim 2:9,10, 1Pet 3:3-6. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit! You must keep your body Holy. The Third Urgent Message for humanity, especially those who have now repented is for them to examine themselves thoroughly and regularly to ensure that the great Deceiver, the devil never deceive them to go back to sin! You are to keep your faith to the end. Mt 24:13. The Bible says it is the Christian that keeps his faith to the end that will be saved. This is the urgent message for every human being that lives on earth today. Pls, if this message has blessed you, share it with your loved ones. God bless you richly for doing this. Thank you very much. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


This is a very special message for every Christian who wants to be in heaven at the end of his or her Christian race on earth! I received this message during my deep meditation and communion with God in the midnight. The Lord Jehovah asked me to send this message to all His children in the world to enable them know who are going to be GREATEST in His kingdom! I spent many hours in His presence when He was giving me this special message of revelation! Of a truth, the message is full of deeper Truths and insights for those who are hungry for heaven! We are talking about the GREATEST CHRISTIAN   in heaven according to God's own view, and not human view! Human view of the greatest person in heaven is different from God's own view. By human idea and perspective, when see a Minister of God who is highly respected by people on earth and one who is famous among the people, you will be tempted to believe that he is going to assume a high position in heaven, whereas in heaven he is not known by God or angels. He is not on God's record, because he has backslidden for long and here we  are bowing down to him because of human nature! Beloved, what God revealed to me is what I am about sharing with you now. In the first place, that night, the Lord took me to the book of Matthew 18:1-4. Let us read it, "At that time came the Disciples unto Jesus, saying, WHO IS THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN?  And Jesus called a little Child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little Child, the same is the Greatest in the kingdom of heaven " This is a clear revelation on the subject we are discussing. Perhaps the Disciples might have been speculating and discussing among themselves about who would be the greatest in heaven in view of the way Jesus was discussing with them, telling them about the glory of heaven and what it takes for one to enter it. After everything said and done, after heavy arguments and assumptions on the matter, they finally decided to come to Jesus for clarity and divine verdict on who is to be the greatest in the kingdom of God after this life! This is not a Small matter. It is not a Small question! We thank God for Jesus. What He told them immediately silenced every argument and debate over the matter. Now let us examine expositorily and In details, what the Lord told the Disciples on this issue which is also for everyone of us today since we are also hoping to go to the same place where the Disciples and other Christians who have made it are living now! 1. THE MOST HUMBLED CHRISTIANS ARE THE GREATEST IN HEAVEN!  Jesus called a little Child to their midst and told them point blank that any Christian who can humble himself like this little Child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Period! It then means Humility  of life is what is demanded of every Christian who will be greatest in heaven. And of course, lack of humility is a major problem facing many Christians today, especially the Ministers of God. The Bible says pride goeth before destruction but God gives more grace to the humble! Many Christians, especially Pastors, Bishops, General Overseers and Leaders over God's people are very pompous, arrogant and full of pride! Nobody can advice them. They cant come down to attend to the needs of the members because of their positions. No wonder, there was a revelation that came out sometime ago that there is a Gate, called the Gate of humility that every Minister will pass through before he or she is allowed to enter heaven. Friend, humility of life is the Key number one for every Christian who wants to be Greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 2. THE GREAT SOUL WINNERS!  Another thing a Christian should do to become the greatest in heaven, is to emback on soul winning! This is part of what the Lord showed me that night. The Bible says he that winneth souls is wise. Prov 11:30. And In Dan 12:3, the Bible says those who are wise and turn many to righteousness shall shine like the brightness of the firmament for ever and ever in heaven! That is to say, soul winners in the body of Christ are going to be Greatest in heaven! Somebody told us sometime ago by revelation that John Wesely's building in heaven is one of the highest building and his empire one of the largest empire in heaven today. Why because John Wesely was one of the greatest soul winners in his days! In short, soul winning is the heart beat of the Father God in heaven and this should be the basic assignment of every true believer on earth. 3. THOSE WHO HAVE SEPARATED THEMSELVES FROM THE WORLD AND ARE LIVING TO THE GLORY OF GOD!  These are the Christians who are going to be greatest in heaven. In 2Cor 6:14-18, the Father God says we should not be yoked together with the worldly people, that we should separate ourselves from them and touch nothing unclean and He will receive us as His sons and daughters. Today, worldliness is too much in the Church that at times you hardly know the difference between the people of God and the people of the world. They look alike in appearance, business, doing things, etc. Look, you cant walk and live like the people of the world and expect to be greatest in heaven on the last day! The Bible says those who live like the world can never please God. Rom 8:5-8. You must repent from worldliness and live a holy life. No Holiness No Heaven. Heb 12:14. This is the standard for all Christians who want to be greatest in heaven! 4. THOSE WHO ARE NOT DECEIVED AND CORRUPTED BY THE SYSTEMS OF THIS WORLD!  This is another Mark of those who will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. That is why Satan is fighting tooth and nail to make sure you are defiled, polluted and corrupted so that you will not make it to heaven. The Bible says nothing that defiles shall enter it. Rev 21:27. That is why all those who can remain without defilement and corruption by the system of this world will become greatest in Heaven. They are so many things that are corrupting Christians today such as women issue, money matters, politics of today, marriage issue, etc. Many Christians have sold their souls in pursuance of these things. Be careful, what shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul in hell fire for ever? Mk 8:36,37.  Therefore those who can stay in this world, serve the living God without pursuing these things to stain their garment will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven! 6. THOSE WHO MADE GREAT SACRIFICES FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD SAKE!  These are those who are making frantic efforts in soul winning, spending  their personal money for the work of God without asking for any reward, they travel a lot for the purpose of soul winning, they take a lot of risk for kingdom's sake! They donate heavily for Church building and help many brethren who less privileged! These people will be Mighty in heaven, shining gloriously! Hallelujah!! 7. THOSE WHO PREACH THE TRUTH WITHOUT HIDING ANYTHING FROM THEIR MEMBERS!  This is specially true of Ministers of God who are saddled with the responsiblity of preaching the word of God to people. If they do it with all their heart, without covering anything, but preach the word and do it with diligence, they will become the greatest in heaven on that day. 8. THOSE WHO WALK WITH GOD TO THE END!  This is another issue. Some Christians started very well but did not end well. That is unfortunate. The Bible says the Christian who can endure unto the end the same shall be saved! Mt 24:13. King Solomon started very well but could not end well. He is now in hell with all his wisdom. Therefore if you can hold your faith unto the end, you will become the greatest in heaven. 9. THOSlE WHO ARE ABLE TO RULE THEIR HOUSES WELL -  This is another creterion for greatest Christians in heaven. The Bible says those who rule their houses, families, well. 1Tim 3:4-5. It means if you can not rule your family well, your Wife and children being subject to you, to obey the word of God with all gravity, you are not qualified to rule or lead the people of God not to talk of being the greatest in heaven! Eli could not make it because of the challenge from his stubborn sons! He did not commit any personal sin but because he could not control his children, he died woefully and could not make it to heaven. It is a great lesson to all of us that have children, grown up children today. And those Ministers in the house of God whose wives are like Jezebel, carrying many women into hell fire because of their make ups and their husbands cannot correct them. If this message has blessed you, share it with others. Thanks and God bless you richly in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Glory Hallelujah!! 

Sunday, 11 September 2016


The word 'Christian' was first mentioned by Ignatius, the King of Antioch during the activities of the believers in the Early Church. Acts 11:26. The King of Antioch was an unbelieving King who saw the way the followers of Christ were behaving, eating, dressing, praying, loving, moving together, sharing together, understanding one another, visiting one another, doing things together, worshipping God, serving God etc, and he deduced and concluded that these people, the followers of this man called Jesus, were like Him! They resemble Him. He saw the Disciples talking and doing things exactly the way Christ would do it. Actually, the name 'Christ' simply means the Anointed One! "How God ANOINTED Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him" Acts 10:38. Christ means the Anointed One while the word 'Christian' means 'the little Anointed One'! That means as a Christian, the follower of Christ, God has anointed you to walk, talk, preach, perform miracle like Christ! Hallelujah. We are little christs! Is this a revelation to you? Therefore by the understanding of this revelation, we as Christians, are to be like Christ in all ramifications! This includes character, behavior, loving God, helping people, praying for people, and doing things like Christ generally! The Bible says as He is in heaven, so are we on this earth. When He appears we shall be like Him. 1John 3:2. This means we as believers are not ordinary people. We are here on this earth as Christ Ambassadors! 2Cor 5:20. We are here as pilgrims and visitors or strangers on the  earth. Therefore our behavior toward the things of this world should be based on this revelation. For instance, we are not to be pursuing what the worldly people are pursuing. We are not to dress the way they dress in the world. We are only in the world but Not part of the world. John 17:14-16. Note, if all Christians  should have this vision and full revelation of who they really are, they will be disciplined and live a better life as recommended from heaven. Beloved, do you know it is not the believers, the followers of Christ,  that called themselves Christians? It was an unbelieving King who saw the way they lived and doing things like Christ that made him to call them Christians! In like manner, it shouldn't be we believers that should  call ourselves Christians before the people will know that we are Christians. Let our character, behavior, love for one another and the way we live the life of Christ announce us to the world that we are truly Christians! It is how we relate with the world that will make them know that we are true Christians. This is a powerful revelation. Today, especially in this end time,  you hardly see a true Christian who resembles Christ that Unbelievers can attest or recommend for people. The Christianity we are practicing today has been corrupted and polluted by the activities of the devil so much so that you hardly see the difference between Christians and Nonchristians! Gone were the days when somebody would say this is a Christian, everybody would believe and said yes he is! The corruption, pollution and manipulations that are going on in the Church of God today is huge! That is why the very few ones that have caught this vision of old time Christianity should go back to the old time faith, the faith of the Apostles and the brethren in the Early Church. If it is true that we are not going to a different heaven from where the Apostles have gone, then we must go back to the kind of life they lived in their days and they are now in heaven. It is very lamentable that the kind of life many Christians are living today there will be a lot of men suprisers on the last day!  Millions and billions of so called Christians will not be able to make it to heaven at the end of  their mission on earth. Let us courageously go back to the old time faith, the kind of life that will enable us see God on the last day. We must not surrender to the fight from the kingdom of darkness to lure and carry every human being to hell. Let every Christian examine himself or herself and separate from the world and live a holy life. We can make it in Jesus powerful Name! Let us stand for Jesus. Glory Hallelujah. God bless you richly for taking your stand for Jesus. You will surely not miss your place in heaven in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Amen. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016


Beloved, there are certain things that every Christian must know before it is too late! These things are basic truth and fundamental issues that every believer in Christ must know vividly. Many Christians are living in deep ignorance of spiritual truths! Some of these things which I call BOTTOM LINE are -  1. Seeing visions and prophesying accurately is not a guarrantee of a good relationship with God. Many people saw visions and prophesied accurately but could not make it to heaven. D devil has hijacked prophecies and visions today and he is using it to populate hell fire! Caution: If you have the gift of prophecy and revelation you need to pray very well because Satan is after you, he wants to pollute your spirit and the gift of prophecy in you! 2. Without Holiness any service you are rendering in the house of God will be in vain. Heb 12:14, 1Pet 1:15,16. Holiness of life is the Visa for heaven! No Holiness No Heaven. Don't let anybody deceive you with sugar coated mouth. 3. A worldly Christian can never make it to heaven. Worldliness simply means living a Christian life like the people of the world. That is, you dress like them. You go to party like them. You go about with women Friends like them. You paint your lips and fingers like them. You marry and divorce like them. There should be a marked difference between Christians and nonchristians. Between the people of God and the people of the world. Read Rom 8:5-8, Isa 3:16-23. No worldly Christian will make it to heaven No matter how he or she tries! 4. Holding a vital position in the Church and being highly recognized is not a guarrantee of salvation. God's way of  viewing things is different from man's way! 5. Manifesting the gift of the Spirit without the fruit of the the Spirit will land you in hell. Gift of the Spirit is for power demonstration on this earth and to enable us solve problems with ease! Fruit Of D Spirit is to enable us manifest the character of God, live a holy life, and then enter heaven at last. Gal 5:22,23. Therefore Manifesting the gift of the Spirit without the fruit of the Spirit will not make a Christian complete. 6. Being born into a Christian home is not a guarrantee of salvation. You must work out your own salvation. It is a personal matter. You must use your mouth to confess that Jesus is Lord. You must use your mouth to confess your sins to God. Rom 10:9-11. The Bible says every one of us will stand to give account of himself or herself to God. These are bottom lines of Truth that every Christian must know. 7. In addition all those Ministers of God that are hiding the truth from their members, they and their members will spend eternity in the same place, that is, inside hell fire and the lake of fire for ever! All Ministers of God are in danger if they fail to preach the truth. You can't send your members to hell and you will be in heaven Rejoicing. That is the bottom line of rugged truth that all ministers of the gospel must grab. Thank you very much for reading this article.