Beloved, there are certain things that every Christian must know before it is too late! These things are basic truth and fundamental issues that every believer in Christ must know vividly. Many Christians are living in deep ignorance of spiritual truths! Some of these things which I call BOTTOM LINE are - 1. Seeing visions and prophesying accurately is not a guarrantee of a good relationship with God. Many people saw visions and prophesied accurately but could not make it to heaven. D devil has hijacked prophecies and visions today and he is using it to populate hell fire! Caution: If you have the gift of prophecy and revelation you need to pray very well because Satan is after you, he wants to pollute your spirit and the gift of prophecy in you! 2. Without Holiness any service you are rendering in the house of God will be in vain. Heb 12:14, 1Pet 1:15,16. Holiness of life is the Visa for heaven! No Holiness No Heaven. Don't let anybody deceive you with sugar coated mouth. 3. A worldly Christian can never make it to heaven. Worldliness simply means living a Christian life like the people of the world. That is, you dress like them. You go to party like them. You go about with women Friends like them. You paint your lips and fingers like them. You marry and divorce like them. There should be a marked difference between Christians and nonchristians. Between the people of God and the people of the world. Read Rom 8:5-8, Isa 3:16-23. No worldly Christian will make it to heaven No matter how he or she tries! 4. Holding a vital position in the Church and being highly recognized is not a guarrantee of salvation. God's way of viewing things is different from man's way! 5. Manifesting the gift of the Spirit without the fruit of the the Spirit will land you in hell. Gift of the Spirit is for power demonstration on this earth and to enable us solve problems with ease! Fruit Of D Spirit is to enable us manifest the character of God, live a holy life, and then enter heaven at last. Gal 5:22,23. Therefore Manifesting the gift of the Spirit without the fruit of the Spirit will not make a Christian complete. 6. Being born into a Christian home is not a guarrantee of salvation. You must work out your own salvation. It is a personal matter. You must use your mouth to confess that Jesus is Lord. You must use your mouth to confess your sins to God. Rom 10:9-11. The Bible says every one of us will stand to give account of himself or herself to God. These are bottom lines of Truth that every Christian must know. 7. In addition all those Ministers of God that are hiding the truth from their members, they and their members will spend eternity in the same place, that is, inside hell fire and the lake of fire for ever! All Ministers of God are in danger if they fail to preach the truth. You can't send your members to hell and you will be in heaven Rejoicing. That is the bottom line of rugged truth that all ministers of the gospel must grab. Thank you very much for reading this article.
1 comment:
The Bible says if you know the truth the truth shall set you free from errors and falsehood! May God have mercy on our generation in this end time.
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