Sunday, 18 September 2016


Jesus Christ, during  His earthly Ministry said, ".... The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel" Mk 1:15. This is the most URGENT MESSAGE for every human being living on earth today! The message of the salvation of our souls is the most urgent message of the hour globally. Many people today are living carelessly without thinking about eternity and where their souls will live for ever. Many are busy accumulating the wealth of this world without thinking about heaven. The Bible says what shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul in hell fire for ever? As you are reading this article, many have mistakingly missed heaven and they are crying profusely asking for a second chance to come and amend their ways which is now too late! Note, the issue of your salvation is not a matter to joke with. Look, if you miss heaven you miss it for ever. It is as you are alive now you can take decision where you will spend your eternity! If die without Christ there is no amount of crying or weeping that will take you to heaven. And there is no amount of showers of praises and good testimonies of you by people at your burial that will change your location in eternity if you have failed to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior before you died! This is the urgent message for every human being that is alive today. Secondly, if you say you have now repented and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior, the next most crucial thing you must do now, is to separate yourself from the world and start living a holy life. It is written without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. It is also written that because the God who called you is Holy you must be holy in all manner of life! 1Pet 1:15,16. Holiness of life is a must for all those who will see God on the last day. You must be Holy inside - No malice, No manifestation of anger against neighbours, No gossip, there should be no spirit of Immorality found in you such as fornication, homosexuality, gayism etc. You must also be Holy in your appearance. Your dressing code must match with your Christian confession and profession! Look, God is seriously concerned about His children's physical out look. Don't let anybody or Preacher deceive you with sugar coated mouth that God is only concerned about your heart. God is  very much concerned about your body, what you put on. Rom 12:2, 1Tim 2:9,10, 1Pet 3:3-6. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit! You must keep your body Holy. The Third Urgent Message for humanity, especially those who have now repented is for them to examine themselves thoroughly and regularly to ensure that the great Deceiver, the devil never deceive them to go back to sin! You are to keep your faith to the end. Mt 24:13. The Bible says it is the Christian that keeps his faith to the end that will be saved. This is the urgent message for every human being that lives on earth today. Pls, if this message has blessed you, share it with your loved ones. God bless you richly for doing this. Thank you very much. 

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