Thursday, 6 October 2016


Beloved brethren in the faith, i am here to share with you expositorily, on how you can know a true man of God especially in this last days! I am specially led to share this divine information with you based on the scriptures and with the knowledge of what is happening today in the Christendom. I have a special revelation on what I am about sharing with you here. This expository message is born out of my sincere concern for my fellow human beings, especially those in the body of Christ, to know the truth, embrace it and make it to heaven at last. I am talking about how you can know a true Servant of God in this end time, in the faces of global deceptions from the kingdom of darkness these days! The Bible says if you know these things, happy are you... John 13:17. It is also written, if you know the truth the truth shall set you free. John 8:32. The book of proverbs says buy the truth and do not sell it back! Prov 23:23. Today almost every Christian is being called a man of God, MOG! Even some Ministers who are using evil powers to manipulate their members are all called men of God - MOG. Now let us trace it from the background. In the Bible days, when Jehovah God said is my Servant, we knew what that person stood for. For instance, when God called Moses, My Servant in Num 12:7, we know what He said about him. The Lord described Moses as a very meek and a humble Servant. One who delivered his people from their bondage In Egypt. Again, when the Shunemite woman saw Elisha, she described him as a holy man of God. 2Kgs 4:9. That is, Elisha stood for holiness of God. The people could testify that Elisha was a holy man of God because of his holy activities in the ministry and In the lives of people! In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ decided to choose 12 of His Disciples and later named them Apostles. These faithful few Disciples were tested and tried to be qualified for the Office of Apostleship! When Jesus spoke hard truth and majority left Him, these 12 Disciples remained with Him. John 6:66-69. These people stood for Truth, Holiness and Righteousness. Think about the kind of life these Saints lived in Bible days that God Himself agreed that they were His Servants. The people around also saw the Mark of true man of God and testified to it. What about today? Can God testify in heaven that these people we are calling them Men of God, are truly His Servants? The question now is, how can I know a true man of God in this Century? 1. A True Man of God must live a holy life! That is the first mark of a true Minister of God. The Bible says without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. If a Minister of God does not believe in the holiness of the Bible, both within and without, he or she cannot pass same to his or her members! In the body of Christ today, how many Ministers of God are living in complete holiness? Any Minister of God that does not believe in practical holiness is not a true man of God! 2. A true man of God is always known by the powerful Influence he has on his members, to motivate them to accept the truth and live in holiness and righteousness. A Pastor or Bishop that cannot Influence his members to obey God's word and separate from the world is not a true man of God! If you see how heaven is crying against such a Minister, you will be dumbfolded! God is seriously against worldliness in the Church and many so called Ministers of God are not preaching and teaching against it. 2Kgs 9:30, Rom 8:5-8, 12:1,2. The bottom line is that, any so called man of God that is not leading his members in holiness and righteousness, but refuses to tell them the rugged truth, is not a genuine man of God, but a Servant of Satan Indeed! He is gathering people for hell and Not for heaven! If you are a member under such a Pastor you better run away for your life. 3. Any Pastor who is not leading by example is not a true Servant of God. Paul told Timothy to be an example to the believers in the Church. 1Tim 4:12. This is how we can know a Minister of God. The Wife and children must comply with the message and teachings of the Pastor. 1Tim 3:4,5. It is not enough for the Pastor to be shouting and commanding the wives and children of other members to obey God's word, his own family must comply and obey God's word that the Pastor is teaching! That is Leadership by example. Frankly speaking, a true man of God is not known by the largeness of his congregation but how well he is leading the people for heaven. A true Servant of God is not known by the kind of Jeep or Car he is driving or the amout of money in the Bank account, but the sacrifice he is making to populate heaven for Christ! A great Servant of God is not known by his grammar or sugar coated explanation he is always giving to the people but the Truth of God's word he is ditching out to the people to open their eyes to the reality! Now, in view of the above analysis, who is a true man of God, according heaven's view? Note, God's view of a man of God is different from human view. You may be tempted to believe that a  Pastor is a great man of God because he is popular and famous among the people but according to God's record he is not known in heaven. His name is not even in the book of life! Why because of his evil and diabolic activities in the body of Christ. Some of these evil Pastors are using demonic powers to perform miracles on the people since they don't know it. Therefore, a True Man of God, MOG, must be one who is truthful, holy, righteous, loving God with all his heart, winning souls to the kingdom of God through Holy preaching and Teachings of the word, providing good Leadership for the Church, and being prayerful and watchful over the flock the Holy Spirit made him Overseer! Such a Pastor or Bishop is working for God and not for Satan! This is the Picture of a true man of God and how it should be in this 21st Century A D! Pls, if you are a man of God, examine yourself. Are you working for God or you are working for the opposing camp? If this message has touched you and blessed your life, pls share it with your neighbours especially your fellow Ministers to save them from the wrath of God on the last day. Thank you and God shall bless you richly in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. Glory Hallelujah!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We thank God for great revelations in the end time. Glory to God in the highest