This is a very crucial teaching at a crucial moment in the history of the world. What I am about sharing with you right now is very revealing and insightful and it is a practical matter. Millions and Billions of human beings living on earth today are under the deceptions of Satan and they don't know it! In Rev 12:9, the Bible says Satan is deceiving the whole world! These include America, Japan, Europe, China, India, Africa and all learned people such as Professors, Lawyers, Judges, Scientists to mention a few! Just Imagine! If Satan and his cohort can deceive all these ones all over the world, it then means you and I need to be careful and fully armed with the power of God if not we are useless in his hands! Now we are going to dig deep to know how he is deceiving human beings today which include both Christians and Nonchristians! 1. FAKE PROPHECIES and VISIONS! This is one of the major areas the devil is deceiving human beings today. Jesus warned that if care is not taken, the very elect will be deceived. Mt 24:11,22. The rate at which fake prophecies and visions are gaining ground today is very alarming and unprecedented! Satan is using this avenue to lure millions of souls into hell fire. Today people are hungry and looking for prophecies and visions everywhere. That is why we always caution people that whatever prophecy or vision that is given or received should be compared with the word of God before it is accepted. Note, as we have genuine prophecies and visions from God so also there are fake and counterfeit prophecies, dreams and visions all around us. Be Warned! 2. FAKE CHURCHES AND MINISTERS! After God has established the true Church to prepare people for heaven, Satan also has come out to establish fake churches and anointed his fake ministers for the sake of deceiving humanity into hell fire! For your info, the number of fake churches and fake ministers have out weighed the True Church! For instance, anywhere you see one true Church, you will see about 100 fake churches there! And all of them are portraying that they are serving the living God. That is why you need to pray to get the Spirit of discenment to be able to distinguise between the good and the bad, the original and the counterfeit. Beloved, fake churches and counterfeit ministers are so numerous and rampat in our society today simply to deceive people and carry them to hell fire for ever! 3. FAKE POWER DEMONSTRATIONS! This is another dangerous method Satan has adopted in his bid to deceive humanity on a large scale! And truly, millions of souls are being deceived today through power demonstration by these fake Ministers. For your info, all these counterfeit ministers get their powers directly from Satan! And that is why they are directly under the supervision of Satan as to the kind of messages they should preach. You hardly see or hear them preach about salvation or holiness. They specialize on prosperity, success, breakthroughs, victory, healing and deliverance! Their single message which is being emphacised over and over is God is concerned about your heart and not your physical appearance! In this way they are deceiving millions of people and they are busy gathering their money smilling to the Bank every week. In this way Satan is happy because all these souls belong to him for eternal destruction and the innocent members don't know this! Hmmm, may God have mercy on our generation! 4. EMPTY POPULARITY! This is a dangerous method Satan uses in deceiving many Christian Leaders and Leaders in the corporate world. The devil will do everything to make you popular and famous to the detriment of your spiritual life and your relationship with God. That is why about 90% of popular Ministers of God have made shipwreck of their faith. There are many of these popular Ministers who are known all over the world but they are not known in heaven. God doesn't know them. Their names have been removed from the book of life. But people are bowing down to them with great respect and high regards on this earth and they are not known in heaven! Pride and lack of humility with secret sins have removed their names from the book of life long time ago! D devil has made them so popular and comfortable in sins that they have forgotten about heaven. This is a very pathetic situation. Some of them started very well any way. The same thing is applicable to those in corporate or Government positions. D devil is using them to accumulate wealth to themselves and their coronies without the fear of God. Note, any money you acquire from Government illegally which is not your own, Will surely be accounted for on the day of judgement! They are using their popularity to suppress the ordinary citizens today. No body may be able to challenge you now but your judgement is set, waiting for you on that day. 5. DEMONIC EMPTY PROMISES! Beloved, do you know another method the devil is using to deceive people, especially Ministers of God, is through EMPTY promises! The devil can come to you in a vision and tell you that he will make you great, wealthy and popular! And you know human beings are hungry for these three things - Greatness, Wealth and Popularity. In this way many Servants of God have been deceived to go through the short cut and have destroyed their relationship with God. That was how one popular man of God MOG, was terribly deceived! There are thousands of them of course. The time this man of God realised the deception, and he wanted to come out, the devil told him it was too late. And this is a man of God that is pulling thousands and millions of members all over the world today. The devil promised him in a vision that he would make him great, wealthy and popular. The time he saw the personality visibly and discovered that it is not Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, and wanted to come out of the alliance Satan threatened to deal with him if he tried it to pull out. The devil told him that all the popular ministers of God on earth today are serving him, that he is the one controlling them! That is how this great Pastor is serving this powerful demon with all the members under him! It is a pathetic situation. That is why you have to pray very well before you join any Church and become a member. 6. WORLDLY LIFESTYLES - This is another terrible way Satan is deceiving humanity especially Christians of this generation. The devil has made many people to change their lifestyles to comply with the new generation. Millions of Christians have changed to the lifestyles of the world! The Bible says that which is highly esteemed by men is an abomination before God! Lk 16:15. The lifestyle that has now become a global issue that every body is keying to it, it is an abomination before God. For instance, worldliness in the Church today has now become a worldwide phenomenon. Yet it is an abomination before God. Check it in Rom 8:5-8, 12:1,2, 2Kgs 9:30, 1Tim 2:9,10. This is one of the greatest avenues Satan has been deceiving human beings especially Christians in this 21st Century. Check your lifestyle and see, is it the lifestyle of the world or the lifestyle of the people of God? Also read 2Cor 6:14-18. The new generation lifestyle has sent millions of souls to hell fire and they will be there throughout eternity! In short, there are so many other ways Satan is deceiving human beings today. Pls share this message with your neighbours if you love them. Thank you.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
In Mt 16:19, the Bible says we have been given the Keys, the Master Keys, that whatever we bind here on earth is bind In heaven! And whatever we loose here on earth is loosed in heaven! This is the power of Athorney in prayers that God has given to every believer in Christ. The Keys are given to us by the virtue of our knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior! We are not supposed to lose in any battle in life as long as we have these Master Keys of prayers! On this revelation, i therefore stand and declare the enemies troubling you and your family, all the challenges surrounding you hitherto are hereby bind in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you are hereby loosed from all the challenges, difficulties, untold hardships, and every problem bedeviling you hitherto in Jesus powerful Name! Hallelujah, you are free from every satanic manipulation from now henceforth in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen and Amen!!
Monday, 29 August 2016
There are certain fundamental issues that those who have known the truth and seen the light should not fail or neglect to keep on harmering and Warning for everyone who is ignorant to know and adjust before it is too late for him or her! There are so many people living under the Sun without the knowledge of these basic fundamental and deeper spiritual truths in their lives! There are so many people who do not know these spiritual facts until after death before they now come to realise that they have made a gross and deadly mistake in their lives which is now irreversible! This is what we want everyone living on earth who cares for the salvation of his or her soul to know in order to avoid the looming danger of God's wrath! Now, some of these fundamental Truths which I term the BOTTOM LINE are: 1. If you live on this earth and died without Christ you are lost for ever! That is, without Jesus Christ In one's life, there is no hope of salvation and entry into heaven on the last day. The Lord Jesus Christ has said it "... I am the Way, the Truth and Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me" John 14:6. This is where the people in other religeous organizations who have rejected Jesus Christ have missed it all! Jesus also says "... Without me ye can do nothing" John 15:5. This is a fundamental issue that everyone living under the Sun Must know and amend his or her ways before the door of mercy is closed. 2. Ignorance of the holiness of God for heaven is not an excuse for anyone on the last day. The Bible says there is no excuse on that day. Even those who died before the Bible was made available will be judged according to the law of their conscience. That is why the best thing to do now is to come to Jesus and be saved so that you can escape for your life. 3. Further, there is no amount of praises and testimonies of your goodness at your death that will guarantee your entry or qualify you for Heaven if you died without Christ from this world! And there is no coming back to change or repent. These are spiritual truths you must know before you leave this world. 4. Again, you must read and believe your Bible and Not put all your trust in your Pastor or Bishop. That is, read the Bible carefully and follow what it says and not what your Pastor who may not even have connection or relationship with God says! Today millions of souls are being led astray by their Pastors! Be careful. 5. The fact that somebody is very good, kind, generous and philantropic is not a guarantee for salvation. Salvation is not by being good or full of good works but by Grace and mercies of God. It is by grace through faith. Eph 2:8,9. It is not by works of kindness but by Faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. All those who think that they will get to heaven without accepting this basic fact will be doomed for ever. 6. Another issue is that all those who live in worldliness and embrace worldly lifestyle will never enter through the gate of heaven on that day! The Bible says without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. In 1Pet 1:15,16,the Bible says we should be holy in everything, that as God who has called us is holy, we should also be holy! This holiness must be both within and without. You must be holy in your heart and be holy in your appearance also. Don't let any Preacher deceive you with sugar coated mouth that it doesn't matter. It matters to God. Therefore all these Christians who live in deep worldliness singing and Rejoicing in the Church that they are serving God are just wasting their time! They wont see God on the last day because God is a holy God and He dwells in the fire of holiness. No worldly Christian will enter heaven. This is a BOTTOM LINE of truth that every Christian must know. 7. In addition, all these Pastors and Bishops that are deceiving their members using their positions of authority, will surely account for the souls they have sent to hell fire on that day! Many Christian Leaders are busy working for Satan, preparing and sending precious souls to hell everyday! They will surely give account of these souls to God. Don't think that you will send your members to hell fire and you will go to heaven to rejoice with God. This is a fundamental Truth that every Minister of God must know before it is too late. Pls share this message with your Friends and neighbours to at save some from perishing. Thank you very much and God shall bless mightily In Jesus name.
There are certain fundamental issues that those who have known the truth and seen the light should not fail or neglect to keep on harmering and Warning for everyone who is ignorant to know and adjust before it is too late for him or her! There are so many people living under the Sun without the knowledge of these basic fundamental and deeper spiritual truths in their lives! There are so many people who do not know these spiritual facts until after death before they now come to realise that they have made a gross and deadly mistake in their lives which is now irreversible! This is what we want everyone living on earth who cares for the salvation of his or her soul to know in order to avoid the looming danger of God's wrath! Now, some of these fundamental Truths which I term the BOTTOM LINE are: 1. If you live on this earth and died without Christ you are lost for ever! That is, without Jesus Christ In one's life, there is no hope of salvation and entry into heaven on the last day. The Lord Jesus Christ has said it "... I am the Way, the Truth and Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me" John 14:6. This is where the people in other religeous organizations who have rejected Jesus Christ have missed it all! Jesus also says "... Without me ye can do nothing" John 15:5. This is a fundamental issue that everyone living under the Sun Must know and amend his or her ways before the door of mercy is closed. 2. Ignorance of the holiness of God for heaven is not an excuse for anyone on the last day. The Bible says there is no excuse on that day. Even those who died before the Bible was made available will be judged according to the law of their conscience. That is why the best thing to do now is to come to Jesus and be saved so that you can escape for your life. 3. Further, there is no amount of praises and testimonies of your goodness at your death that will guarantee your entry or qualify you for Heaven if you died without Christ from this world! And there is no coming back to change or repent. These are spiritual truths you must know before you leave this world. 4. Again, you must read and believe your Bible and Not put all your trust in your Pastor or Bishop. That is, read the Bible carefully and follow what it says and not what your Pastor who may not even have connection or relationship with God says! Today millions of souls are being led astray by their Pastors! Be careful. 5. The fact that somebody is very good, kind, generous and philantropic is not a guarantee for salvation. Salvation is not by being good or full of good works but by Grace and mercies of God. It is by grace through faith. Eph 2:8,9. It is not by works of kindness but by Faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. All those who think that they will get to heaven without accepting this basic fact will be doomed for ever. 6. Another issue is that all those who live in worldliness and embrace worldly lifestyle will never enter through the gate of heaven on that day! The Bible says without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. In 1Pet 1:15,16,the Bible says we should be holy in everything, that as God who has called us is holy, we should also be holy! This holiness must be both within and without. You must be holy in your heart and be holy in your appearance also. Don't let any Preacher deceive you with sugar coated mouth that it doesn't matter. It matters to God. Therefore all these Christians who live in deep worldliness singing and Rejoicing in the Church that they are serving God are just wasting their time! They wont see God on the last day because God is a holy God and He dwells in the fire of holiness. No worldly Christian will enter heaven. This is a BOTTOM LINE of truth that every Christian must know. 7. In addition, all these Pastors and Bishops that are deceiving their members using their positions of authority, will surely account for the souls they have sent to hell fire on that day! Many Christian Leaders are busy working for Satan, preparing and sending precious souls to hell everyday! They will surely give account of these souls to God. Don't think that you will send your members to hell fire and you will go to heaven to rejoice with God. This is a fundamental Truth that every Minister of God must know before it is too late. Pls share this message with your Friends and neighbours to at save some from perishing. Thank you very much and God shall bless mightily In Jesus name.
SPECIAL PRAYERS AGAINST STUBBORN PURSUERS FOR EVERYONE HERE - In Ex 14:13-28, the Lord Almighty revealed to us how He made the host of Egyptians pursuing Israelites when they left Egypt, to be completely drawn in the Red Sea! It was a very devastating destruction to the Egyptians which has become a PERMANENT lesson to them up till today! PRAYER POINTS - 1. O Lord, let every STUBBORN Pursuer pursuing me and my family hiterto fall into the Red Sea and be destroyed before the end of this month in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! 2. O Lord my Father, let every STUBBORN Pursuer pursuing my life, destiny, progress, success, miracle, promotion, divine favour, marital life and business suddenly fall into the Red Sea and be completely drawn for a PERMANENT lesson for them according to the order of Egyptians in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Note, if you Key to these Holy Ghost led fire prayers with all your heart and with a big AMEN, PERMANENT Victory will be yours from now henceforth!
Saturday, 27 August 2016

You shouldn't give up in your prayer efforts. One
of the major problems affecting many Christians, churches and
ministries today is, PRAYERLESSNESS! And Satan and his cohort are very
much happy and comfortable with prayer less Christians and ministries!
On the contrary, Satan is always sad and sorrowful to see a Christian or
a church that is always praying. Why because he hates prayers to the
core. Why because serious and effective prayers always scatter his plans
and programs against humanity! Well, In this second edition, I want to
continue to share with you on how you can offer effective prayers that
will bring quick results for you and how you can shake the foundations
of your enemies and finally overthrow them! Friend, if you want to
succeed in this life and make it to heaven at last, you must take
prayers seriously.
Please read this article with understanding, passion and
meditation and you will never remain the same again in Jesus name!
PRAY WITH A CONCERNED HEART AND LOVE - When you want to pray to get
result, don't offer tongue tied prayers! Pray from the depth of your
heart with true love. Prophet Elisha offered this kind of prayer for a
barren woman and she was conceived immediately! 2Kgs 4:15-17. The prayer
was offered out of concern for the woman who was very caring for the
Servant of God! Jesus raised Lazarus to life because of the concern and
love He had for the family. He showed this by physically weeping with
them. John 11:35. When you pray this way you will see the result. If you
pray for a neighbor who is having a challenge with concern and love,
God will answer the Prayer immediately.
the problems people have in communicating effectively with God in prayer
is Pride! The Bible says pride goeth before destruction. Jesus gave us
the illustration of two men - a pharisee and a publican - who came to
pray in the house of God. The pharisee was proud while the publican was
humbled enough to confess his sins! It was the Prayer of the publican
that was answered! Lk 18:9-14. God says He hates pride. It is when you
humble yourself that God will lift you up. Therefore, prayers offered
with pride cannot get breakthrough. One of the practical ways we can
show humility before God in prayer is ability or willingness to fall
down on our KNEES before the Lord. There are so many Christians who find
it difficult to knee before the Lord in prayers! That is pride. Do you
know that as you bow your head and knee down before the Lord, that is
how your challenges, problems, demons and every power of darkness will
surrender to you when you command or bind them? Let me freely tell you
friend, the level of your humility before God and submissiveness to your
superior leaders in the faith will also determine how demons and
circumstances surrounding you will submit to you! This is the law and
the prophet! From today, if you want to pray to get results, pray with
humility before God and submissiveness to your leaders in the faith.
James 4:7,10, Heb 13:17. From now on you will begin to succeed in
prayers in Jesus name.
the ways our prayers can be answered very fast is to go into
intercession, especially for the church. The church is Christ's only
vital property on the earth. The Lord wants every true believer to be
praying for the church. He told His disciples to pray that the Lord
should send laborers into His Vineyard. Mt 9:38. I read the story of a
Korean pastor that Jesus asked him to resign from his work and begin to
pray for the church! Beloved, do you know that praying for the church so
that she will continue to grow and be protected from evil forces is a
great assignment? Look, when you start praying and interceding for the
church seriously, the Lord will solve your personal problems
miraculously! Intercession is a mystery!
If you want to show to God that you are serious in your prayer demand,
SOW A SEED or make A VOW! It was when Hanna made a vow concerning her
demand for a child that her prayers were answered! I Sam 1:9-11,19. She
had been praying all this while but her prayers were not heard until the
day she took a step further to make a vow! You can equally use this
method today and see the result. SOW a seed or make a vow if your
situation is precarious and stubborn and you will see what the Lord will
important. There are some revelations or visions you will see during
prayers that will solve your problem for ever! That is, your eyes will
be opened spiritually! In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord Jehovah says we should
call upon Him and He will show us great and mighty things which we
don't know! The reason why so many people's relationship with God is not
cordial and their Christian life is shallow, it's because they don't
have deep revelation from the Lord. The Bible says where there is no
vision people perish. Prov 29:18. Some believers don't have the fear of
God because they don't have the revelation of God's judgment. The day
you will see the vision of hell fire, nobody will tell you before you
begin to confess your sins over and over. In 1975, in a dream, I
experienced how the judgment of God looks like. All of a sudden, I found
myself on a very long queue for judgment. That time I was still in
primary school. But the Lord in His mercy asked the angel to send me
back that I had not even started my mission! That time I was not even
born again. I was living in sins but highly committed in Catholic
church, no body told us about being born again there but we were very
religious! It was when I came to Lagos 1984 that somebody from Christian
Life Evangelical Ministry (CLEM) came to preach to me and took me to
this living ministry where I gave my life to Chris and became born again
on the 3rd of March 1984. PRAISE THE LORD! Glory be to His Name in the
highest! I will never forget the experience. Today many Christians never
see any revelation that will change their lives for ever and that is
why they are weak in the faith. They are weak in their prayer life. They
are weak in soul winning. They are weak in their commitment in the
church! Why because they have not seen any special revelation about God
and eternity. That is why many of them are arguing with the truth. The
Prayer that God answers is not a joking matter. Pls share this lesson
with your neighbors. TO BE CONTINUED!
Friends, do you know
that the entity called Lucifer, has four principal names and offices
from where he attacks humanity? You are about to receive a powerful
revelation that will open your spiritual eyes so that you can pray
strategically and effectively, especially in this end time that is
characterized with mysterious battles from the kingdom of darkness! By
His grace, you will surely overcome in Jesus mighty name! Amen. Two
passages in the book of Revelation have given us this startling
revelation or information! Rev 12:9 says "And the great Dragon was cast
out, that old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world..." The second passage is Rev 20:2 which says "And he (an
angel of God) laid hand on the Dragon, that old Serpent, which is the
Devil, and Satan and bound him a thousand years" The four names are -
Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan. You can see clearly from these
scriptures that when Lucifer fell from the grace, he is now having four
names which have deep connotations and he operates from these four
offices with these names to perfect his dastardly acts and plans against
humanity! That is, he operates against human beings according to these
names and offices!
1. DRAGON - when the enemy, Lucifer, wants to deal with someone in the office of dragon, he comes to Fight and to conquer! This is the power he has been using to fight the believers, churches, ministers and ministries! It is a terrible fight when Lucifer comes to attack somebody or church in this office! Rev 12:3,4, 7-9. He has used this office to fight and conquer many people and churches all over the world!
2. SERPENT - This is the Old Serpent. When Lucifer comes in this office, he comes with subtlety and deception! This was the office he used in deceiving Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and succeeded! Gen 3:1-7. He has used this office to deceive humanity all over the world today. The Bible says he deceives the whole world. Rev 12:9. It is only God that can deliver humanity from this terrible deception and manipulations from this old Serpent!
3. DEVIL - The third name and office of this terrible entity is called the Devil. When Lucifer strikes in the office of the Devil, he comes to attack, to convert what is good to evil and white to black! All witches and wizards are operating in this office of Lucifer, converting what is good to evil, destroying good destinies and glories! It is terrible when the enemy attacks you in this office. He will convert all your good works, efforts and good intentions to evils!
4. SATAN - This is the last and the fourth name and the office of this evil personality! When he comes in the name and office of Satan, he comes to destroy wilfully. Jesus says he comes to steal, kill and destroy! John 10:10. Lucifer comes in this office with an invincible power to destroy without mercy. He has used this office and the name to destroy so many families, marriages, churches, ministries and men of God. Be at alert! Note, the purpose of this message is to enable you pray strategically. For instance, when you notice that you are being deceived by the enemy, begin to pray against serpentine attacks! The Serpent is at work against you. And when you notice that you are being pursued by evil forces physically or in the dream, begin to pray against the Dragon. He is at work in your life and family! And if you discover that something is turning your good effort to evils, no matter how you try to be good, you are always being misunderstood, your good works are always being painted black, you should know that the Devil is at work against you. But when you notice that the power that is now working against you is so strong and invincible that you cannot withstand with your little faith except with the combination of other brethren's faith and strong anointing, you should know that Lucifer is operating against you in the office of Satan! You need helps from other warriors of God and anointed men of God to assist you in prayers! May God help you to understand spiritually what I'm sharing with you so that you can pray effectively and get results. This message is part of how you can experience full deliverance from the powers of darkness and live in victory all the days of your life. If you understood this message and benefited from it, just type - REVELATION!
Please share it. God bless you richly in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Fire!
1. DRAGON - when the enemy, Lucifer, wants to deal with someone in the office of dragon, he comes to Fight and to conquer! This is the power he has been using to fight the believers, churches, ministers and ministries! It is a terrible fight when Lucifer comes to attack somebody or church in this office! Rev 12:3,4, 7-9. He has used this office to fight and conquer many people and churches all over the world!
2. SERPENT - This is the Old Serpent. When Lucifer comes in this office, he comes with subtlety and deception! This was the office he used in deceiving Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and succeeded! Gen 3:1-7. He has used this office to deceive humanity all over the world today. The Bible says he deceives the whole world. Rev 12:9. It is only God that can deliver humanity from this terrible deception and manipulations from this old Serpent!
3. DEVIL - The third name and office of this terrible entity is called the Devil. When Lucifer strikes in the office of the Devil, he comes to attack, to convert what is good to evil and white to black! All witches and wizards are operating in this office of Lucifer, converting what is good to evil, destroying good destinies and glories! It is terrible when the enemy attacks you in this office. He will convert all your good works, efforts and good intentions to evils!
4. SATAN - This is the last and the fourth name and the office of this evil personality! When he comes in the name and office of Satan, he comes to destroy wilfully. Jesus says he comes to steal, kill and destroy! John 10:10. Lucifer comes in this office with an invincible power to destroy without mercy. He has used this office and the name to destroy so many families, marriages, churches, ministries and men of God. Be at alert! Note, the purpose of this message is to enable you pray strategically. For instance, when you notice that you are being deceived by the enemy, begin to pray against serpentine attacks! The Serpent is at work against you. And when you notice that you are being pursued by evil forces physically or in the dream, begin to pray against the Dragon. He is at work in your life and family! And if you discover that something is turning your good effort to evils, no matter how you try to be good, you are always being misunderstood, your good works are always being painted black, you should know that the Devil is at work against you. But when you notice that the power that is now working against you is so strong and invincible that you cannot withstand with your little faith except with the combination of other brethren's faith and strong anointing, you should know that Lucifer is operating against you in the office of Satan! You need helps from other warriors of God and anointed men of God to assist you in prayers! May God help you to understand spiritually what I'm sharing with you so that you can pray effectively and get results. This message is part of how you can experience full deliverance from the powers of darkness and live in victory all the days of your life. If you understood this message and benefited from it, just type - REVELATION!
Please share it. God bless you richly in Jesus name. Amen and Amen. Fire!
This is a very crucial message at a crucial
moment of our time. The rate at which millions of souls are being sent
to hell daily due to wrong preaching or failure to preach the truth is
very alarming and unprecedented! In short, Many souls are weeping,
gnashing their teeth and calling their pastor's name in hell daily for
sending them there! Hear what Jehovah God says "When I say unto the
wicked, thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not warning, nor
speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the
same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood shall I require
at thine hand" Eze 3:18.
This is a very serious warning to all men of
God who refuse to preach the truth and warn their members! Today,
preachings from many Altars are not saving souls from hell. The
preachers are just entertaining their congregations, making them
laughing to scorn instead of giving them messages that will make them
think soberly and weep for their sins! Now to be precise, what are the
kinds of messages or preachings that will save souls from eternal
damnation that every true Minister of God should embark upon?
LIKE THE EARLY APOSTLES - The Apostle Paul warned Pastor Timothy and
said, "Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove,
rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will
come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts
shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they
shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto
fables " 2Tim 4:2-4. True ministers of God must preach like the early
Apostles! The early Apostles preached Christ to the people. They
preached like Christ. They preached nothing but the suffering, Death and
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:36,37, 8:5, 1Cor 15:1-4. The
early church preached the rugged message of truth, holiness and
righteousness to the people in their days. Note, when true message is
preached or presented, there are three things that will be noticed even
from the early times - (A) The sinners, who are hungry for heaven and
the truth, will see their nakedness and repent with tears and be saved!
(B) Those who are not ready to accept God's word and repent will leave
the church on their own. (C) The stubborn ones will carry stones and
stone the preacher! All these things happened right from the day of
Jesus Christ to the day of the Apostles. John 6:59,60, 66, Acts 7:57-59.
These men of God, the Apostles, preached and saved souls from hell.
Where are the Peters, Stephens, Pauls and preachers of the early church
who will preach and shake the foundation of hell today? MOG, let us go
back to the Apostolic preaching method to save souls in our generation.
No matter how a preacher preaches eloquently, if he or she does not
mention those things that God hates and has warned His children to
desist from them, that preaching is inconclusive and unacceptable to
heaven! What are those things that God hates that He does not want His
children to patronize them? They Include jewelries, ornaments, earrings,
wedding rings, ordination rings, perfumes, jeans materials, and
anything jewelry or rings! Read Gen 35:1-4, Ex 33:1-5, Eze 7:19-21, 1Tim
2:9,10. Any true minister of God preaching with the target to win souls
for Christ and does not make any reference to these things to warn the
people against them, that preaching is incomplete and the preacher is a
failure! If you see how Christ is weeping for choosing and ordaining
such a minister, you will be terrified! Heaven is crying seriously
against some pastors because they refuse to preach and teach what God
has asked them to present to the people.
AND THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL IN THE CHURCH - Any message from any pastor
or Bishop that does not emphasize and condemn worldliness in its
totality, is not a true or complete message. This is where many
ministers are having issues with God today and they will give account of
the number of souls they have sent to hell due to their preachings and
teachings! Read the following passages and see what Jehovah God says
about worldliness. Rom 8:5-8, 2Kgs 9:30, Rom 12:1,2, lJohn 2:15-17.
Remember, God never changes. Mal 3:6. What He hated in old days, He
still hates them today. The preaching that will save sinners must
contain a serious warning against worldliness in the church. Many
Christians are living in deep worldliness in the church today because
pastors and Bishops don't talk about these things anymore! And as you
don't preach against these things to warn your members, they will die
and go to hell. But where they are in hell, that is where you will also
be! God is God of justice and equity. You can't send your members to
hell and you will be in heaven to rejoice and enjoy with God. It is
impossible! Read Eze 33:1-6. Today, worldliness is rampant in the church
of Christ because the Ministers are not preaching the word as it should
will save souls must contain these three vital gems - Truth, Holiness
and Righteousness. The Bible says if you know the truth, it will set you
free (John 8:32). And it is also a well known fact that No Holiness No
Heaven! Heb 12:14. Righteousness means to be upright in character and
conduct. Many MOG are not preaching and emphasizing these things anymore
because of the deceitfulness of sins. Holiness message should be rugged
from the Altar and every member should be warned against unholy
Christian living! Holiness must be both within and without, heart and
body! IThess 5:23. God is holy, heaven is holy and nothing that defiles
shall enter heaven! Rev 21:27. If you understood and accept this urgent
message without argument, share it with every Minister of God around you
and through the Internet and God shall bless you abundantly in Jesus
mighty name. Amen nd Amen!! TO BE CONTINUED....
This is a very crucial message for every human being that is alive on
this earth today. Some people will see this kind of article and scroll
down because it's not a pornography, nude pics, financial breakthroughs
etc. The Lord gave me this message to share with the whole world
urgently because His coming is imminent and many souls are not yet
saved! As I am writing this article, about 95% of humanity is not yet
saved and made ready for the Rapture! Not that they are not going to
church or there are not churches everywhere, but the original biblical
repentance that leads to genuine salvation is not there! This is
pathetic. Many souls are lost in churches. And human souls are very
precious to God. The Bible says what shall it profit a man if he shall
gain the whole world and lose his soul in hell fire? Mk 8:36,37. That
is, the value of your soul is worth more than the whole world. But many
people don't know this. If human beings should know or have this
understanding, they will not gamble with their lives.
The Apostle Peter warned the people of his day to save their souls from the on toward, evil and wicked generation. Acts 2:40. The question now is, how can I save myself from eternal destruction?
JESUS CHRIST. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself made a universal invitation
to humanity when He said "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy
laden and I will give you rest" Mt 11:28. And in Isaiah 55:6, the Lord
Jehovah says, "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him
while He is near" Today, the Lord is graciously calling every human
being to repentance. The door of mercy is still open. But a time will
come you will cry and ask for opportunity to repent and live a holy life
but it will be too late. The Bible says today is the day of salvation,
tomorrow may be too late! The first step you must take to save your soul
is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. Confess
your sins to Him and Him alone, and ask Him to take over your life. You
don't need to go and confess your sins to any Reverend priest or any
human being! It is only the Lord Jesus Christ that has the power to
forgive your sins and save your soul from sins and from hell fire! Only
Jesus can save. He says, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one
can come to the Father except through me! John 14:6. The question now
is, have you genuinely given your life to Jesus Christ and you are sure
of your salvation? Can you say precisely the date you gave your life to
Christ? Look, it is not a forgettable encounter if you did it genuinely!
This is an urgent issue, delay is dangerous.
2. If you are already a Christian, LIVE A HOLY LIFE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL - There are many people who say they have given their lives to Jesus Christ and are born again but they don't believe in the true holiness of the Bible. This is a very serious problem facing the church in our generation. They claim to be born again, working seriously in the church with all commitment but are not separated from the world. The Bible warns seriously that without Holiness, NO one will see the Lord! Heb 12:14. Majority of Christians don't believe this warning coming from the Holy Spirit. 2Cor 6:14 says, Christians should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and 90% of Christians don't believe this verse of the scripture. Today you hardly know the difference between Christians and non-Christians in terms of dressing. You hardly differentiate between the daughters of Jezebel and the daughters of Sarah in the church today. 2Kgs 9:30, 1Pet 3:3-5. And they are all rejoicing and dancing that they are waiting for the return of Christ in the Rapture. That is why Christ is weeping seriously in heaven because the church is backside and worldliness has taken over the church of Christ in our generation. You need to save your soul from this mess. It is vital to note that being born again without holiness of life, is equal to hell fire straight! This is an urgent message for every human being today.
3. For you to save your soul from hell, STAY AWAY FROM SINS GENERALLY! There are some people even though they are born again, they believe in holiness but they are not free from other sins such as malice, unforgiveness, lying, fighting, alcoholics, immorality, stealing, abusive language, quarreling, gossiping, backbitting, 419, indecent dressing, the use of lipstick, wet lips, eyelashes, attachments, perming of hair, the use of jewelries of all kinds, participation in football game to mention a few! All these things matter. There is no small sin. The book of James says if you have kept the whole law but guilty in one, you are guilty in all. James 2:10. That is why it says, it is not hearers or preachers that will be justified but the doers of the word. James 1:22. Friend, save yourself from this evil world before it's too late. The salvation of your soul is the most urgent matter today! Just imagine, if you came to this world, lived for many years and died without Christ in your life, you are of all men most miserable! It is better you were not born or you died in infancy than for you to have grown up, known what is good and bad and failed to take good decision for your soul, then your soul will be lost for ever? God forbid bad thing! Pls take a decision to save your soul today and give your life a meaning!
Thank you and God bless you richly as you take this urgent message and step and heed to heavenly warning!
The Apostle Peter warned the people of his day to save their souls from the on toward, evil and wicked generation. Acts 2:40. The question now is, how can I save myself from eternal destruction?

2. If you are already a Christian, LIVE A HOLY LIFE TO SAVE YOUR SOUL - There are many people who say they have given their lives to Jesus Christ and are born again but they don't believe in the true holiness of the Bible. This is a very serious problem facing the church in our generation. They claim to be born again, working seriously in the church with all commitment but are not separated from the world. The Bible warns seriously that without Holiness, NO one will see the Lord! Heb 12:14. Majority of Christians don't believe this warning coming from the Holy Spirit. 2Cor 6:14 says, Christians should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and 90% of Christians don't believe this verse of the scripture. Today you hardly know the difference between Christians and non-Christians in terms of dressing. You hardly differentiate between the daughters of Jezebel and the daughters of Sarah in the church today. 2Kgs 9:30, 1Pet 3:3-5. And they are all rejoicing and dancing that they are waiting for the return of Christ in the Rapture. That is why Christ is weeping seriously in heaven because the church is backside and worldliness has taken over the church of Christ in our generation. You need to save your soul from this mess. It is vital to note that being born again without holiness of life, is equal to hell fire straight! This is an urgent message for every human being today.
3. For you to save your soul from hell, STAY AWAY FROM SINS GENERALLY! There are some people even though they are born again, they believe in holiness but they are not free from other sins such as malice, unforgiveness, lying, fighting, alcoholics, immorality, stealing, abusive language, quarreling, gossiping, backbitting, 419, indecent dressing, the use of lipstick, wet lips, eyelashes, attachments, perming of hair, the use of jewelries of all kinds, participation in football game to mention a few! All these things matter. There is no small sin. The book of James says if you have kept the whole law but guilty in one, you are guilty in all. James 2:10. That is why it says, it is not hearers or preachers that will be justified but the doers of the word. James 1:22. Friend, save yourself from this evil world before it's too late. The salvation of your soul is the most urgent matter today! Just imagine, if you came to this world, lived for many years and died without Christ in your life, you are of all men most miserable! It is better you were not born or you died in infancy than for you to have grown up, known what is good and bad and failed to take good decision for your soul, then your soul will be lost for ever? God forbid bad thing! Pls take a decision to save your soul today and give your life a meaning!
Thank you and God bless you richly as you take this urgent message and step and heed to heavenly warning!

Any Christian who says he or she is born
again, and does not believe in tithing is a Robber! And you know a
Robber cannot enter the kingdom of God. Another revelation is that, it
is this tithes and offerings you are giving to God that will be used to
build your Manson in heaven! That is, as long as you keep on giving your
tithes and doing offerings in the house of God, the angels will
continue to see materials for your building in heaven. But when you stop
giving tithes, the angels will also be waiting for you to supply
materials. It is a mystery that is hidden to many people, Christians!
Another revelation is that, if you are not born again, sanctified and on
the way to heaven, and you are giving tithes and doing offerings, you
are wasting your resources and time.
Your tithes and offerings will not
be acceptable to God. God will Never accept tithes from prostitutes,
drug pushers, 419, thieves, fraudsters etc into His treasury. The bottom
line is that you can't bribe God with money. In prov 15:8,the Bible
says the sacrifice of the wicked is an ABOMINATION to the Lord! The
bottom line here is, in as much as tithing and offerings is compulsory
for every child of God, you must do it in holiness and righteousness.
You must be born again and separate yourself from sins or else you will
just labor in vain! The history of tithing dated from the time of
Abraham when he gave his tithes to Melchisedec, the King of Salem. Gen
14:18-20, Heb 7:1-4.
Now the lesson here is that, if Abraham, the father
of faith should give tithes to God through Melchisedec, you and I have
no excuse for failing to give our tithes to God.
This is a
very crucial matter which many Christians have neglected and overlooked
today. Malachi 3:8-12 has given us enough information on this. The Lord
Jehovah asked His people a question: " Will a man rob God? Yet ye have
robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and
offerings" In verse 9, He pronounced a curse on them for robbing Him in
tithes and offerings. From verse 10 - 12, the Lord gives

Today, truth has
disappeared from the mouths of our modern preachers and many altars
because of the fear of man and the love of money. Note, it is the
knowledge of the truth that will take one to heaven and not fables and
lies from the pit of hell. It is not giving fake assurance to the people
even when you see them living in sins. With wisdom, tell them the
rugged truth and leave the matter for God. Friend, let me assure you, if
you always speak the truth and stand by it, nothing will happen to you!
Let all the demons in hell gather together against you, they won't be
able to harm you at all.
The Bible says who is he that will harm you if
you are following that which is righteous? IPet 3:13. It is when you
compromise that the enemy will now have the power to harm you. Truth has
No Apology. If you hate ministers with the word of truth, you hate your
soul. Let me tell you frankly, truth is sweet if you embrace it. Truth
is a Defence and Security against attacks and eternal destruction in
hell. Personally, I have No Apology to tender to anybody who is not
comfortable with my messages and teachings which I'm sending to the
world. We are preparing people for heaven and Not for hell, OK? My
ultimate desire in life is not how I alone will get to heaven, but how I
will help many people also to get to that beautiful land called HEAVEN,
to populate heaven and depopulate hell.
That's why I'm preaching and
releasing the truth without looking back because I know I am affecting
somebody's life somewhere on the globe to know the truth and get to
heaven, which is my credit! Dan 12:3, Prov 11:30. Therefore, I have no
apology in my preaching and teachings to anybody anywhere in the world!
For those of you that are hungry for the truth and want to know more,
we shall continue to dig deep and do more research and give you the best
that will help you to qualify for heaven. Finally, we need prayers from
all lovers of truth so that the enemy will not interrupt this good work
that we are doing because the devil hates what I am sharing with you to
the core!.
Thank you and God bless you. You will not miss your place in
heaven in Jesus mighty name! Amen and Amen!!

day, many people, including Christians are suffering seriously in d hands of Satan and his cohort without knowing what to do. Some are running from one ministry to another in search of deliverance but to no avail. Here is the simple solution:
1. GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST - Many people don't know that the reason why the demons are having access to them and attacking them always it is because they have not surrendered their lives to Christ! Prov 18 v 10 says "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, and the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" The Lord Jesus Christ is our real protection from demonic attacks. As long as you live outside Christ, you can Never be free from satanic attacks! The Bible says "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" Jesus also says without Him we can do nothing. The summary statement of what we are saying here is that, if you really want to experience victory and freedom from satanic attacks, you Must surrender your life to Christ. You Must be genuinely born again. This is the most powerful antidot to demonic attacks! Note, immediately you surrender your life to Christ, you have escaped from the hands of Satan and his agents. This is a powerful secret that many people don't know.
2. GIVE YOURSELF TO ERNEST PRAYERS WITH FASTINGS! A Christian that gives himself or herself to serious prayers with fastings can Never be defeated by the powers of darkness. There was a woman in the Bible that gave herself to prayers with fastings until she was 84 yrs, before the Lord took her into heaven! Lk 2:36,37. Jesus says people should always pray and should not give up. Lk 18:1. A powerful Christian is full of fire! It is difficult for enemies to attack such a believer unless the fire has quenched! Satan and his demons know a prayerful Christian, and so they don't try them. It is not enough to be born again, you should become a prayerful Christian in order to enjoy full protection and victory over satanic forces.
3. WAKE UP IN THE MID NIGHT AND PRAY! Look, if you can sacrifice your sleep and wake up to pray in the mid night hours, you will surely be free from dangerous attacks. The Lord Jehovah commands every one of His children to rise up in the mid night and cry unto Him. Lam 2:19. When Christ was here on this earth, most of His prayers were carried out in the mid night. Lk 6:12. Note, mid night prayer warfare will help you to overcome stubborn situations in your life and family.
4. REMOVE ALL THE PROPERTIES OF SATAN ON YOUR BODY AND THROW THEM AWAY! Let me tell you point blank, the reason why Some people can Never be free from demonic attacks, it is because they are romancing with Satan, using his properties, which they know quite alright that God hates those things! Before the devil will attack and succeed in your life, he will study you to see whether you have any of his properties on your body. These properties include - jewelries such as earrings, necklace, bangles, wedding rings, ordination rings, ornaments of any kind, he will study your hairdos to see whether you use his chemical to change it from natural to unnatural, perming, attaching any thing to your hair, whether shining thread or wool, or you put tattoo on your body, you paint your fingers and lips with his chemical. If any of These things is found on your body which is the temple of God, you are in trouble. As a Christian sister, you are not supposed to dress like daughters of Jezebel. 2Kgs 9:30. All these things hanging on your body will always give access to demons to Continue to torment you! That is why you see many people, especially women, heavily possessed with demons because of these items. Many of them are suffering from spiritual husbands because of what they put on their bodies. Many of them cannot sleep in the night and cannot marry physically because they are already married in the spirit with demons! The only simple solution for you to be free from all these stubborn attacks is to remove all these satanic items from your body and throw them away and you will be free, absolutely free! The Bible says if you know the truth, the truth shall set you free. And if the Son shall set you free you are free indeed! John 8:32,36. If you Continue to patronize and hold unto these items of darkness, no amount of prayers you offer or receive from any great man of God that can deliver you, unless you leave these satanic properties! Well, a word is enough for the wise!! Thanks and God bless you as you take this divine counseling for your own good in this life and for eternity!
We are on a very crucial matter in this
message. This message is for every Christian who is alive today on this
earth. It baffles me great when I see fellow Christians committing
outright sins, going against God's clear commandments! In prov 22:28,
the Bible says, "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have
set" This is a clear command and warning to everyone who is intending
to shift the landmark which were set by our forefathers! This same
warning was re-echoed in chapt 23:10, "Remove not the old landmark, and
enter not into the fields of the fatherless" And in Deut 27:17, the
Bible says "Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmark. And all
the people shall say Amen". A serious curse is pronounced upon anyone
who ventures to remove landmarks! Physically, if anybody tampers with
the landmarks of the community, it has always resulted in blood shed and
warr. It is a serious crime to do so.
Now, spiritually speaking, what
are the ancient or old landmarks that Jehovah God has set or established
for all believers worldwide that should not be tampered with? In the
first place, when the Bible talks about spiritual old landmarks, it is
talking about God's standard for all generations irrespective of the
nation, Race, colour etc. This standard is set for every child of God
anywhere in the world! That is, God's standard must be maintained
everywhere on the globe! But unfortunately, these standards have not
been kept by 95% of the church on earth today globally. Now, what are
these standards or the landmarks that every Christian must keep if he or
she must see God on the last day? We shall only mention few here.
ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WORD - Today, among Christians, obedience
to God's word is now a mirage. Many people are treating God's word today
like an ordinary human being's word. We read of people like Abraham,
Moses, Job, Paul and others, who, when they encountered God, feared Him
and obeyed Him absolutely. For instance, when God asked Abraham to leave
his father's house for an unknown destination, he did not argue with
God at all. Gen 12:1-5. Today God is calling so many people to give them
message for their generation but they keep on delaying, arguing and
refusing to obey! Jesus says if you love me keep (obey) my commandments.
The Bible says to obey is better than sacrifice. ISam 15:22. Obedience
to God's word must be complete if you must be saved and qualified for
heaven! That has been the standard from the beginning. When Adam
disobeyed God's word, he lost the nature of God and was driven out of
the garden. When Saul disobeyed God's instruction, he was rejected from
being king over Israel. Now why do people disobey God's word today at
random? It is simply because of modernism, the so-called civilization,
knowledge of science and technology coupled with the deceptions of the
devil. Absolute obedience, Not half obedience, has always been the
standard of God for making heaven from the aborigine.
This is another landmark that every Christian must maintain! Read Deut
22:5, ITim 2:9,10, IPet 3:3-5 The landmark of dressing code has been
clearly stated and spelt out in the Bible for everyone to know and
follow it. Unfortunately, this landmark has been shifted due to
unwarranted civilization! Today, Christians dress indecently and anyhow.
We see some men even wearing wrapper in the name of culture. I want to
counsel every Christian through this medium to go back to the status quo
of Christian dressing as God has laid down from the beginning! Dress as
children of Abraham and daughters of Sarah and stop looking like
daughters of Jezebel! 2Kgs 9:30. Millions of Christians have ended up in
hell fire because of indecent dressing. Be wise and change now before
it is too late.
3. COMPLETE HOLINESS OF LIFE - This is another standard
or landmark that God has set for the church which the church of today
has modified, changed, shifted and thrown away! God has set His
standard from the aborigine that without HOLINESS, NO ONE SHALL SEE HIS
FACE! Lev 11:44, Heb 12:14, IPet 1:15,16. You can see that today God's
standard of holiness for the church has been set aside and people have
established man made holiness. God says holiness must be both within and
without, inwardly and outwardly. Today many Christians all over the
world have knocked out God's landmark of holiness, saying they are in
the day of civilization. That is why it is difficult for those who are
civilized to get to heaven! Beloved, I better remain primitive and get
to heaven than to be civilized and perish in hell fire for ever! Note,
God's standard must be maintained and kept by people of all ages!
Jehovah says, Behold, I am the Lord, I changeth not. In psm 119:89, the
Bible says, for ever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven! In short,
there are so many things that God has declared as His standard and
landmarks which every Christian must follow and obey. They include the
standard of Love, the standard of Marriage, Relationship with
neighbors, standard of Forgiveness to mention but a few. Please read your
Bible and follow what the Bible says and not what your pastor or Bishop
says. You are not going to be judged by your pastor but by the word of
God! So be careful to follow God's word and not what your Reverend says
even when he is wrong. Thank you and God bless you richly for spending
time to read this article. You will surely not miss your place in heaven
if you take this message in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen and Amen!!
crucify Him afresh means you are nailing Him again to the cross with
fresh pains even as He suffered before! Precisely speaking, any time a
believer, a worker in the Church, a minister of God Commits sin, he or
she is nailing Christ to the cross afresh, believe it or not! No matter
how Small the sin may be, it is seen as crucifying Christ afresh in the
Spirit. Plainly speaking, if you as a Christian decide to Commit
fornication or adultery, you are nailing or crucifying Christ afresh to
the cross! If you see any Christian woman dress indecently, wearing
trousers like men, or ladies with painted lips and fingers with
eyelashes singing in the choir, they are crucifying Christ afresh. When
you see preachers or pastors who refuse to preach the truth but
deceiving their members, what they are doing is tantamount to nailing
Christ afresh to the cross! When you see a Christian who has been in the
Church for a long time but refuse to repent, he is crucifying Christ
again to the cross. Note, if you see the pains Christ is receiving or
passing through as a result of the believers sins in the body, you will
fear to Commit sin in your life! I read a conversation between Christ
and a man in hell fire.
The man missed heaven because he outrightly
committed sins while he was alive as a Christian. In that encounter, the
Lord decided to bring him out of this terrible fire and asked him how
he felt now? The man said his body is peaceful now and he began to beg
the Lord not to throw him back to the fire again! The Lord then told him
that the pains you are feeling now inside fire, it is the same pains He
was feeling whenever you committed sin when you were alive! That is,
the Lord will feel an intense pain whenever a child of God commits sin.
This is a deep revelation for all heaven seekers! That is to say, for
you to make God happy, stay away from sins. Stop telling lies, dress
well, love your neighbours as you love yourself. Stop using attachments,
Stop bleaching your body, remove jewelries from your body which is the
temple of God. Preach the truth and live a holy life. Do you want to
please God and qualify for heaven, obey His word and keep His
commandments. Do you want to make God happy with you, separate yourself
from the world and from the fashions of this world. 2Cor 6:14-18.
Beloved, the judgement against Christians who have known the truth,
living in holiness but latter turned their back to Christ is a very
severe one! The Bible says it is better you have not known the truth
than after you have known the way of righteousness to turn away from the
holy way! Please examine yourself, is there any area in your life that
you are still crucifying Christ afresh? You can repent today.
The door
of mercy is still open. You can make amends today before it too late.
PRAYER POINT - O Lord, have mercy on me and open my eyes to see
anywhere I am crucifying or nailing you to the cross that I may repent
of it and obey your word. From today, i Stop crucifying you afresh in my
life. So help me Lord. Share this message to your neighbours. Thank

at can separate you from your partner! Note, if you are planning to marry and divorce later if it is not favourable to you, you are joking. And if you feel you cannot Continue with your spouse in this Marriage due to one excuse or the other and you want to call it a quit, then you should be ready to remain single for life or else go back and be reconciled with your first partner. That is why Marriage is one way In and No way out! That is why you have to look well and pray very well to be sure before you say 'Yes I do' to avoid regret and begin to say, 'had I known' Be careful. This is the bottom line for authentic Marriage. ICor 7:10,11.
Again, it is one man, one woman. Marrying more than one Wife or husband is not allowed in the scriptures. God only recognizes your first Wife or husband. Mal 2:14. This is God's standard and the bottom line for authentic Marriage! Based on this revelation, all those Christians or Christian leaders having concubines outside their matrimonial homes are defiling their Marriage bed. Heb 13:4.
King Solomon did it and he could not make it to heaven. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines and these women turned away his heart from serving God perfectly like his father David. IKgs 11:3,4. As you are reading this article right now, King Solomon, with all his wisdom is suffering, regretting and weeping in hell fire because of women! Furthermore, the Wife is to submit to her husband as the Church is submissive to Christ! Eph 5:22-24. And the husband is to love the Wife as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself to it. Eph 5:25. In this way, there should be No quarrel between husband and Wife that cannot be settled or problem that will lead to fighting and breaking each other's head! And of course, if you as a Christian begin to fight your Wife for any reason, you are backslidden already. You better repent now. In addition, the Marriage bed should not be defiled. There are so many things that can defile your Marriage. For instance, having known your spouse or slept with him or her before the day of wedding has already defiled your Marriage bed. Again, Sleeping with your Wife, using 'animalistic method' other than the 'missionary position' - man on top position, to lie with your Wife, can defile your Marriage bed! Remember the Bible says, Adam knew Eve. It was not Eve knew Adam.
Check your Bible very well. Again, another standard of God for Marriage is that, it should not be done with wedding ring! This is where many Christians are having problem with God. In the day God joined Adam and Eve together in holy matrimony, did He give them any ring! Gen 2:21-25. Check your Bible very well. The Marriage Christ attended at Cana of Galilee, no ring was used to join the couple together or else Christ would not attend it to break God's commandment. John 2:1-11. The idea of using ring in Marriage today is an invention of catholicism! The bottom line on this issue is that, the Bible which is the word of God should be used or exchanged on the day of wedding which is far better than the ring manufactured in the kingdom of darkness, in the deep sea! It will defile your Marriage. Remember, nothing that defiles shall enter heaven. Rev 21:27. Beloved, the more you love Christ, the more you will love your Wife as a husband. And the more you submit yourself to Christ as a Wife, the more you will submit to your husband! Very simple.
We don't need to wear or look at ring before we love or submit to our spouse. The love of Christ and the submission to His word is the standard in true Christian Marriage. Note, if you follow God's standard on this issue of Marriage, your home will be heaven on earth! Many people today, including Christians are enduring their marriages instead of enjoying it because they have refused to abide by God's standard. Disobedience to God's express command is stubbornness, rebellion and it is equal to witchcraft! May God help the reader of this article to understand this thing in the Spirit and adjust before it is too late.
A Marriage counselor once told us that it is better not to marry than to marry wrongly or make mistakes in your Marriage. That once your Marriage is bent your whole life is bent. He said success in Marriage is 90% closer to heaven! And failure in Marriage is 90% far from heaven. Many people are joking with these things and they are joking with their eternity! God bless you richly for reading this article. Share it with your neighbours. Thank you.

1. LACK OF GENUINE REPENTANCE - If one who says he or she
is a Christian, and has not fully repented but playing lip service in
his or her repentance, it will hinder one's deliverance from stubborn
situations! See the example of genuine repentance in Acts 19:18-20. When
these people repented in Ephesus after listening to paul's preaching,
they did not only give their lives to Christ, they brought out all their
magic arts which they used in making incantations and divinations and
burnt them to ashes! Note, these things were very expensive to them but
because they were genuinely converted, they destroyed these items! That
is true repentance in action. Today many people who claim to have
repented and are in the Church working for God, singing in the choir,
leading congregations, doing evangelism, preaching the gospel of Christ
are still holding unto demonic items. Some of these Christians are still
watching pornography, worldly movies, listening to worldly music and
attending worldly parties! And these people are seeking for deliverance
which they will never find! Genuine repentance that will guarantee your
complete deliverance from demonic possessions is to courageously do what
the brethren in the above passage did in Ephesus!
This is another reason why many Christians cannot experience full
deliverance. The Bible says if the foundation is destroyed what can the
righteous do? Ps 11:3. Evil foundation refers to those things that took
place before you were born or those things that happened at your birth
when you were a baby. That is, some evil and wicked things your
Ancestors did many centuries past such as demonic burial, ritual
killings, slave trade, demonic incantations thereby handing over the
destiny of the family to demon idol, idol worship etc which nobody in
your family has ever addressed through aggressive prayers. Read Ex
20:4,5, Jere 16:1-4,10-11. These things have constituted to some
people's full deliverance and they don't know! In short, evil foundation
is a serious problem rocking our generation. It is a hidden problem
that is why many people don't know it. Note, genuine repentance is the
first step to your full deliverance while deliverance from Foundational
bondage is another step in this direction. If you know you have
genuinely repented and the problem in your life and family persists, you
better address your foundation. The Lord Jesus Christ also taught on
the need to have a solid foundation if you must succeed and breakthrough
in life! Mt 7:24-27. Foundational problem is a stubborn problem!
WORLDLY LIFESTYLE - This is another thing that can hinder you from
total deliverance! If you have embraced the lifestyle of the people of
the world and you are asking for deliverance, you are wasting your time.
The Bible says the friendship with the world is enmity with God. James
4:4. That is, anyone who wants to live like the world will automatically
become an enemy of God! And as an enemy of God, you cannot expect God
to come to your aid as He does for His children. Think about it. This is
a very simple analysis. Many Christians are full of worldliness and
carnality in their lifestyles and they are seeking for deliverance from
God without first of all change their attitude and genuinely repent.
This may even anger Satan and his agents to handle your case in a more
aggressive manner! If you see some Christian workers on the street you
will never believe that they have ever read Bible in their lives,
looking from their physical appearance! As long as you live a worldly
life, you belong to Satan. You belong to the opposing camp no matter
your title or position in the Church. This is what Satan is using to
capture the majority of believers today. Be warned!
Many Christians are seeking for full deliverance but their prayer life
is weak. The Bible says from the time of John the Baptist till now, the
kingdom of God is suffering violence and it is the violent people that
are entering it! Mt 11:12. For you to experience true deliverance from
stubborn situations, you must go violent and offer fire prayers! Look,
any day you become violent in your prayer efforts against what you are
going through, your prayers will be heard in heaven! I know what I am
saying. I'm talking out of experience. Let me tell you point blank, a
prayerless Christian can never be free from demonic possessions not to
talk about going to heaven. Terrible demons are on the way to push you
back from entering that beautiful place called heaven! The Bible says we
should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! Eph 6:10.
You need to change your prayer method to be free from demonic problems
and to get to heaven at last!
serious hindrance to many Christians' full deliverance, especially
women! Do you know that as God is serious about your physical appearance
so also the devil is also serious in making you to dress worldly to
displease God and be thrown into hell fire on the last day? God wants
all Christians to dress fine as daughters of Sarah (ITim 2:9,10, 1pet
3:3-5) whereas Satan wants you to dress like daughters of Jezebel. 2Kgs
9:30, Isa 3:16-23. God wants you to remove those things that make you
look like an idol from your body for you to be presentable to His
kingdom but Satan wants you to put those things on so that you will be
rejected at the gate of heaven on that day! God wants you to maintain
your natural hairdo and body as God gave to you frm your mother's womb
but Satan wants you to change your hairdo and body from natural to
unnatural to look fine on this earth thereby deceiving you eternally. If
God should open your eyes in the Spirit to see the battle going on
between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness over your soul,
you will no longer be arguing and live a careless life any more! There
is a serious struggle for your soul in the spiritual realm! Be wise and
stay with God. Pls always dress well to avoid demons pursuing you and
entering into your body! Stop painting your lips and fingers with these
demonic chemicals and Stop hanging all these jewelries such as earrings,
bangles on your body which is the temple of God to avoid demons coming
to inhabit your body. Note, as long as these things are hanging or found
on your body, you now belong to satan's kingdom whether you believe it
or not! Satan is claiming the ownership of your soul in the spiritual
realm whereas you are here in the Church singing and Dancing that you
are on your way to heaven.
What a great deception! Friend, If you
benefit from this teaching just type REVELATION!
Please share this message
to your neighbors. TO BE CONTINUED!

1. EVIL THOUGHTS - "But those things
which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they
defile the man" Mt 15:18. That is, evil thoughts such as malice,
unforgiving spirit, foul language, gossip, backbiting, thought of
murder, stealing, fornication etc are capable of defiling your body to
prevent you from entering heaven. The devil has so possessed many people
with these evil thoughts so that they will not be clean for heaven.
IMMORALITY - This is another major source of defilement among believers
today, especially youths! The Bible says any sin one commits is outside
his or her body, but anyone who commits fornication is sinning against
his or her own body! ICor 6:18. In the sight of God, the sin of
immorality is viewed very critically. Immorality includes fornication,
adultery, incest, homosexuality, lesibienism, and anything that has to
do with inordinate or unbiblical sexual intercourse! Heb 13:4. Many
Christians are living in this defilement. Some are living with
concubines outside their matrimonial home. Some so called ministers are
even sleeping with other ladies and men's wives in their churches! This
is terrible. The Bible has even warned that if anybody who says he or
she is a Christian, but he or she is found to be a fornicator or an
immoral Christian, we should not even eat with such a person not to talk
about moving with him or her as a friend! This is how serious God views
the sin of immorality. ICor 5:9-11. This is a serious menace in many
Assemblies today especially among the youths.
This is another serious issue that is defiling so many Christians
especially in this end time. In Deut 22:5, the Lord says a man should
not wear women clothes and women should not also wear men's clothes,
that all those who go contrary to this command shall be abomination unto
the Lord! But today, many churches and ministries have rejected this
commandment of God. Many Christians are being defiled by their dressing
code. If you see a Christian woman in trousers, whether she is pastor,
Reverend, prophetess, she is already living in defilement. She is under
the anger of God and she doesn't know! Millions of Christians and
ministers have been sent to hell because of this worldly dressing code.
Be warned!
4. THE USE OF JEWELRIES - This is another serious issue that
is defiling many Christians and they don't want to hear about it! This
includes earrings, necklace, bangles, ornaments, wedding ring,
ordination ring, nose ring etc. These things were not meant for the
decoration of our bodies or for fashions! In the aborigine, God made
these things for building of houses so that the building can last before
sin entered and scattered the whole thing. They are not meant to be
hanged on our bodies for decoration or fashions! The purpose why God
created these things - gold, jewelries, ornaments, is being manipulated
by the devil and twisted. God has never approved it for man to hang
these things on their body. Check it. Gen 35:1-5, Ex 33:1-6, Isa
3:16-23, Eze 7:19-21, ITim 2:9,10, IPet 3:3-5. Beloved, if you are a
candidate of heaven, drop these things from your body and be clean.
many Christians are being defiled. Rom 1:24-27. The judgment against
this sin is issued in verse 32. This sin includes, bleaching your body,
painting your fingers and lips, drawing tattoo on your body(Lev 19:28),
using eye lashes, wet lips, creams that changes your natural color to
unnatural, perfume and powder which are manufactured in the kingdom of
darkness to change your natural odour. All these things defile your body
and stop you from going to heaven when you die! Again, it also includes
changing your natural hairdo to unnatural, through perming, burning,
the use of attachment, weave on, wool or shining thread. All these will
defile your body which is the temple of God. Some men even dye their
hair thereby covering the glory of God.
THE REMEDY: The great solution
to all these things we are sharing here is to fully surrender your life
to Christ so that you can have the power to resist the devil and the
world! James 4:7. Secondly, you need to be determined to follow and
serve God in holiness and righteousness. Heb 12:14. Beloved,
determination is success. Friend, for you to avoid defilement, you need
to separate yourself from worldly lifestyles and fashions. ICor 7:31,
2Cor 6:14-18. Again, you need to constantly examine yourself to detect
whether the spirit of defilement is entering your life and be prayerful.
Lk 18:1. Finally, put on the whole armour of God and be watchful. Look,
if you Key to this teaching and divine advice, without argument, you
will make it to heaven at last in Jesus victorious Name! Amen and Amen!
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, deliver me from every iota of defilement and
prepare me for heaven in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!.
Please share this message
of Warning to your neighbors. God bless you.
1Tim 5:22b "..... neither be partaker of other men's sins, keep
thyself pure" This is a serious divine Warning to all born again
Christians who are on the way to heaven! The Lord says you should not
partake in other men's sins against God. That is, as a Christian, you
should not participate in other people's sins. You should not indulge in
what people are doing that God is angry with them and you know it.
what does it mean to partake in other people's sins? It means you should
not indirectly participate in other people's sins and offences. For
instance, you may not directly commit fornication, but you support and
encourage those who are doing it by giving them money, material or
advice on how to go about it. You are involved already. Again, you may
not paint your lips or fingers or dress indecently like them, but you
are encouraging and supporting them to Continue doing so, you are
already participating in their sins.
For you to express your likeness or
pleasure or shower praises on their appearances shows you are in
support of what they are doing. For example, If you are giving money to
your grown up daughters to buy trousers and wear or you give them money
to buy paint to paint their lips and fingers or you buy for them short
skirt and slimy dresses, you are partaking in their sins, you are
pushing your daughters to hell fire straight! That is, you have pleasure
in what sinners are doing even though you don't commit the sins
directly. You and them are the same. Look at what the Bible says, "Who
knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are
worthy of death, do not only do the same, but have PLEASURE in them that
do them" Rom 1:32. Do you see it now? This is a deep revelation that
many Christians don't know.
Clearly speaking, if you are praising or
encouraging all these ladies walking on the street or in the Church who
are not well dressed, working for Satan, and you are praising them,
giving them cudos, describing their appearance as glorious, knowing
fully well that God is angry with them, you are partaking in their sins.
That is why you must be very careful how you 'like' or 'comment' on
some postings in the face book.
This Internet is making a lot of people
to commit sins at random today. You see a man or woman that appears with
strange apparel and you are praising him or her. It is a sin. You see a
Christian dressed with jewelries, earrings, wedding ring, ordination
ring, bangles, wrist rubber band etc all over the body, you are praising
him or her. Don't you know the anger of God against these things? Read
Gen 35:1-5, Ex 33:1-6, Isa 3:16-23, Eze 7:19-21, 2Kgs 9:30, 1Tim 2:9,10,
1Pet 3:3-6.
These things, jewelries and indecent dresses, have
disqualified many faithful Christians from entering heaven, and you are
praising and supporting people with these things on the Internet or face
book! Be careful. I have even seen some men of God who praise such
ladies and call them 'my baby, you dress fine' What a gross ignorance!
Be careful. The Bible is Warning everyone of us to stop partaking in
other people's sins. It says we should keep ourselves pure. We that have
understood these things, should by wisdom, let them see the implication
of the life they are living. You should be careful about some meetings
you even attend, be it wedding ceremony, birthday celebration,
dedication of property etc.
Any meeting where the Name of the Lord will
not be fully glorified, don't attend it. An adage says the meat you
don't eat, don't use your teeth to divide it for people. May God give
you understanding of what you are reading better than what you are
seeing in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Amen!! God bless you all.
Why?, because God drove him from heaven due to his rebellion and so he lost his enviable position and blissful place in heaven. What a great loss! Since he cannot have access to God to attack Him, he has decided to pursue man, who is God's representative on earth. In order to properly and fully destroy man in hell fire, Satan and his agents have devised various means and methods to capture man and woman through manipulations, deceptions, corruption, defilement to mention a few. It is vital to note that every human being that lives on this earth, Satan is hunting for you! He uses various devices such as worldliness, jewelries, latest fashion, demonic paints, fake revelations, false prophets just to make sure he achieves his aim of carrying the whole of humanity to hell. Many people are not aware of this satanic plot!
Therefore people are still cooperating with Satan by patronizing his properties or the items he has manufactured from the dark kingdom to deceive humanity. Once you are in possession of any of these things that Satan has purposely created to defile you, you can never make it to heaven any more, no matter how you try to please God.
Now Satan has even changed gear in pursuing human beings these days because he knows his time is short. As I am writing this material, Satan and his agents are in a crucial meeting simply because of few people that are still entering heaven and the living ones who are now dropping his properties from their bodies. That is, those Christians who have decided to live a holy life is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. The devil and his demons want every human being to live like Jezebel and end up in hell fire. 2Kgs 9:30. Note, a wise person today will quickly decide for Jesus and completely shun Satan and his devices! Beloved, be wise and cleave to Jesus, throw away every satanic item on your body, in your room and those nude pictures in your album and get ready to escape through the Rapture when the trumpet sounds. Please love your soul! God bless you.
Please share this revelation to your neighbors.
This message is meant for all Ministers of God globally. Many
things are fallen apart in Christendom today because
(1) The Ministers of God are not living up to the standard God has set for the Church from the apostolic days and (2), The devil and his demons are also fighting seriously to ensure that No one enters heaven! This is pathetic. Ministers of the gospel need to constantly examine themselves in various ways as the Bible has cautioned. "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves.." 2Cor 13:5. Now, all Ministers of God should be examining themselves in the following areas, viz:
1. YOUR FIRST LOVE FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY - When you started this work, immediately the Lord called you Into the Ministry, you were fervent, truthful, doing everything without complaining or grudging. Are you still in that first love? The Lord rebuked the Leaders of the Church of Ephesus of their backsliding from the first love. Rev 2:1-5. Many Ministers are backslidden today from their first love. Pls examine yourself.
2. YOUR PREACHING /TEACHINGS - This is a very vital area for all Ministers to examine themselves very well. What are you preaching to your congregation? Some people describe some Preachers as Powerful. How do we know a powerful Preacher? We know who is a powerful Preacher by the lifestyles of members. Just look at the congregation and see the people, you will know whether the Pastor is powerful or not. The Pastor that is powerful will affect and influence his members to live a holy life and obey the word of God. You will see changes in the lives of members. In a Church where people live the way they like, women praying in the Church without covering their heads, some ladies are in trousers which is an abomination to God (Deut 22:5),men praying with cap on their heads which is against God's word (1Cor 11:7), you see worldliness in the deepest sense in the Church of Jesus Christ and somebody is calling that Pastor a powerful Preacher! That is fake. Such a Preacher be it Bishop, General Overseer, Right Reverend, Great Evangelist etc is working for Satan and not for God. He or she is gathering souls for hell and not for heaven! If you are a member in that kind of Assembly, you better run away for your life and save your soul. Today some Ministers are mere Comedians! They are just entertaining their members, making them to laugh and nothing more. When Christ was here in His Ministry, did you see anywhere He was preaching and people were laughing? Rather than laughing they were in sober reflection, highly touched, even weeping for their evil condition. Preachers be careful. Examine your preaching and teachings. You will give account of it.
3. THE HANDLING OF THE CHURCH /MINISTRY - This is another crucial area. How are you handling the Church or the ministry Committed into your hand? Are you leading the people according to God's will? Remember, the Church is Christ's property on earth. You are not the owner of it. Are you handling the Church or the Ministry like earthly business? Some Leaders are now introducing some things which God hates into the Ministry. A clear example of this is football game in Christian Ministry, a game which many seasoned Christians know that it is an Anti-christ Institution! Note, God is watching. You will give account how you handled that Church or the Ministry in your hand. Right now nobody can challenge you because of your position but be careful because you will surely give account to the Superior One!
4. DREAMS, VISIONS AND REVELATIONS - This is a very serious area that every Minister of God should be examining himself or herself. The rate at which many Ministers of God who started very well are now being led astray due to false revelations, visions and dreams is becoming so worrisome, alarming and unprecedented! These Ministers started very well from the beginning but because they were not watchful over what they were seeing In the dreams or the voices they were hearing, they have now missed the road and are now being led astray. They are no longer speaking the truth. Ministers should be careful about the voices they are hearing and the visions, dreams or revelations they receive. You should also be careful about who is prophesying to you! Any dream, vision, revelation or prophecy that is not in line with the Bible should be rejected. It is coming from the devil's kingdom. To Be Continued! You are free to share this message to save a Christian Leader today!
(1) The Ministers of God are not living up to the standard God has set for the Church from the apostolic days and (2), The devil and his demons are also fighting seriously to ensure that No one enters heaven! This is pathetic. Ministers of the gospel need to constantly examine themselves in various ways as the Bible has cautioned. "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves.." 2Cor 13:5. Now, all Ministers of God should be examining themselves in the following areas, viz:
1. YOUR FIRST LOVE FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY - When you started this work, immediately the Lord called you Into the Ministry, you were fervent, truthful, doing everything without complaining or grudging. Are you still in that first love? The Lord rebuked the Leaders of the Church of Ephesus of their backsliding from the first love. Rev 2:1-5. Many Ministers are backslidden today from their first love. Pls examine yourself.
2. YOUR PREACHING /TEACHINGS - This is a very vital area for all Ministers to examine themselves very well. What are you preaching to your congregation? Some people describe some Preachers as Powerful. How do we know a powerful Preacher? We know who is a powerful Preacher by the lifestyles of members. Just look at the congregation and see the people, you will know whether the Pastor is powerful or not. The Pastor that is powerful will affect and influence his members to live a holy life and obey the word of God. You will see changes in the lives of members. In a Church where people live the way they like, women praying in the Church without covering their heads, some ladies are in trousers which is an abomination to God (Deut 22:5),men praying with cap on their heads which is against God's word (1Cor 11:7), you see worldliness in the deepest sense in the Church of Jesus Christ and somebody is calling that Pastor a powerful Preacher! That is fake. Such a Preacher be it Bishop, General Overseer, Right Reverend, Great Evangelist etc is working for Satan and not for God. He or she is gathering souls for hell and not for heaven! If you are a member in that kind of Assembly, you better run away for your life and save your soul. Today some Ministers are mere Comedians! They are just entertaining their members, making them to laugh and nothing more. When Christ was here in His Ministry, did you see anywhere He was preaching and people were laughing? Rather than laughing they were in sober reflection, highly touched, even weeping for their evil condition. Preachers be careful. Examine your preaching and teachings. You will give account of it.
3. THE HANDLING OF THE CHURCH /MINISTRY - This is another crucial area. How are you handling the Church or the ministry Committed into your hand? Are you leading the people according to God's will? Remember, the Church is Christ's property on earth. You are not the owner of it. Are you handling the Church or the Ministry like earthly business? Some Leaders are now introducing some things which God hates into the Ministry. A clear example of this is football game in Christian Ministry, a game which many seasoned Christians know that it is an Anti-christ Institution! Note, God is watching. You will give account how you handled that Church or the Ministry in your hand. Right now nobody can challenge you because of your position but be careful because you will surely give account to the Superior One!
4. DREAMS, VISIONS AND REVELATIONS - This is a very serious area that every Minister of God should be examining himself or herself. The rate at which many Ministers of God who started very well are now being led astray due to false revelations, visions and dreams is becoming so worrisome, alarming and unprecedented! These Ministers started very well from the beginning but because they were not watchful over what they were seeing In the dreams or the voices they were hearing, they have now missed the road and are now being led astray. They are no longer speaking the truth. Ministers should be careful about the voices they are hearing and the visions, dreams or revelations they receive. You should also be careful about who is prophesying to you! Any dream, vision, revelation or prophecy that is not in line with the Bible should be rejected. It is coming from the devil's kingdom. To Be Continued! You are free to share this message to save a Christian Leader today!
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