Saturday, 27 August 2016


  This is a special message for all Christians in the end time. In Rev 21:27, "And there shall in No wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life" This is a clear Warning to all heaven candidates worldwide. Now, what is defilement in this regards? It is simply anything that pollutes or corrupts your life or your body thereby preventing you from going to heaven! In th
e first place, it is vital to note that our body is very important to God because this is where He dwells. That is, our body is His Temple, His own house! "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are" ICor 3:16,17. You can now see why God is so serious about the defilement of our body as Christians! He wants every Christian to keep his body holy because you are His dwelling place! Now, the question is, what are the things that defile your body thereby disqualifying you from going to heaven? Here are just few of them:

 1. EVIL THOUGHTS - "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man" Mt 15:18. That is, evil thoughts such as malice, unforgiving spirit, foul language, gossip, backbiting, thought of murder, stealing, fornication etc are capable of defiling your body to prevent you from entering heaven. The devil has so possessed many people with these evil thoughts so that they will not be clean for heaven. 

2. IMMORALITY - This is another major source of defilement among believers today, especially youths! The Bible says any sin one commits is outside his or her body, but anyone who commits fornication is sinning against his or her own body! ICor 6:18. In the sight of God, the sin of immorality is viewed very critically. Immorality includes fornication, adultery, incest, homosexuality, lesibienism, and anything that has to do with inordinate or unbiblical sexual intercourse! Heb 13:4. Many Christians are living in this defilement. Some are living with concubines outside their matrimonial home. Some so called ministers are even sleeping with other ladies and men's wives in their churches! This is terrible. The Bible has even warned that if anybody who says he or she is a Christian, but he or she is found to be a fornicator or an immoral Christian, we should not even eat with such a person not to talk about moving with him or her as a friend! This is how serious God views the sin of immorality. ICor 5:9-11. This is a serious menace in many Assemblies today especially among the youths. 

3. WORLDLY DRESSING CODE - This is another serious issue that is defiling so many Christians especially in this end time. In Deut 22:5, the Lord says a man should not wear women clothes and women should not also wear men's clothes, that all those who go contrary to this command shall be abomination unto the Lord! But today, many churches and ministries have rejected this commandment of God. Many Christians are being defiled by their dressing code. If you see a Christian woman in trousers, whether she is pastor, Reverend, prophetess, she is already living in defilement. She is under the anger of God and she doesn't know! Millions of Christians and ministers have been sent to hell because of this worldly dressing code. Be warned! 

4. THE USE OF JEWELRIES - This is another serious issue that is defiling many Christians and they don't want to hear about it! This includes earrings, necklace, bangles, ornaments, wedding ring, ordination ring, nose ring etc. These things were not meant for the decoration of our bodies or for fashions! In the aborigine, God made these things for building of houses so that the building can last before sin entered and scattered the whole thing. They are not meant to be hanged on our bodies for decoration or fashions! The purpose why God created these things - gold, jewelries, ornaments, is being manipulated by the devil and twisted. God has never approved it for man to hang these things on their body. Check it. Gen 35:1-5, Ex 33:1-6, Isa 3:16-23, Eze 7:19-21, ITim 2:9,10, IPet 3:3-5. Beloved, if you are a candidate of heaven, drop these things from your body and be clean. 

5. CHANGING YOUR NATURAL BODY TO UNNATURAL - This is another area where many Christians are being defiled. Rom 1:24-27. The judgment against this sin is issued in verse 32. This sin includes, bleaching your body, painting your fingers and lips, drawing tattoo on your body(Lev 19:28), using eye lashes, wet lips, creams that changes your natural color to unnatural, perfume and powder which are manufactured in the kingdom of darkness to change your natural odour. All these things defile your body and stop you from going to heaven when you die! Again, it also includes changing your natural hairdo to unnatural, through perming, burning, the use of attachment, weave on, wool or shining thread. All these will defile your body which is the temple of God. Some men even dye their hair thereby covering the glory of God. 

THE REMEDY: The great solution to all these things we are sharing here is to fully surrender your life to Christ so that you can have the power to resist the devil and the world! James 4:7. Secondly, you need to be determined to follow and serve God in holiness and righteousness. Heb 12:14. Beloved, determination is success. Friend, for you to avoid defilement, you need to separate yourself from worldly lifestyles and fashions. ICor 7:31, 2Cor 6:14-18. Again, you need to constantly examine yourself to detect whether the spirit of defilement is entering your life and be prayerful. Lk 18:1. Finally, put on the whole armour of God and be watchful. Look, if you Key to this teaching and divine advice, without argument, you will make it to heaven at last in Jesus victorious Name! Amen and Amen! 
 PRAYER POINT: O Lord, deliver me from every iota of defilement and prepare me for heaven in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!.
Please share this message of Warning to your neighbors. God bless you.

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