Monday, 29 August 2016


There are certain fundamental issues that those who have known the truth and seen the light should not fail or neglect to keep on harmering and Warning for everyone who is ignorant to know and adjust before it is too late for him or her! There are so many people living under the Sun without the knowledge of these basic fundamental and deeper spiritual truths in their lives! There are so many people who do not know these spiritual facts until after death before they now come to realise that they have made a gross and deadly mistake in their lives which is now irreversible! This is what we want everyone living on earth who cares for the salvation of his or her soul to know in order to avoid the looming danger of God's wrath! Now, some of these fundamental Truths which I term the BOTTOM LINE are: 1. If you live on this earth and died without Christ you are lost for ever! That is, without Jesus Christ In one's life, there is no hope of salvation and entry into heaven on the last day. The Lord Jesus Christ has said it "... I am the Way, the Truth and Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me" John 14:6. This is where the people in other religeous organizations who have rejected Jesus Christ have missed it all! Jesus also says "... Without me ye can do nothing"  John 15:5. This is a fundamental issue that everyone living under the Sun Must know and amend his or her ways before the door of mercy is closed. 2. Ignorance of the holiness of God for heaven is not an excuse for anyone on the last day. The Bible says there is no excuse on that day. Even those who died before the Bible was made available will be judged according to the law of their conscience. That is why the best thing to do now is to come to Jesus and be saved so that you can escape for your life. 3. Further, there is no amount of praises and testimonies of your goodness at your death that will guarantee your entry or qualify you for Heaven if you died without Christ from this world! And there is no coming back to change or repent. These are spiritual truths you must know before you leave this world. 4. Again, you must read and believe your Bible and Not put all your trust in your Pastor or Bishop. That is, read the Bible carefully and follow what it says and not what  your Pastor who may not even have connection or relationship  with God says! Today millions of souls are being led astray by their Pastors! Be careful. 5. The fact that somebody is very good, kind, generous and philantropic is not a guarantee for  salvation. Salvation is not by being good or full of good works but by Grace and mercies of God. It is by grace through faith. Eph 2:8,9. It is not by works of kindness but by Faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. All those who think that they will get to heaven without accepting this basic fact will be doomed for ever. 6. Another issue is that all those who live in worldliness and embrace worldly lifestyle will never enter through the gate of heaven on that day! The Bible says without holiness No one will see the Lord. Heb 12:14. In 1Pet 1:15,16,the Bible says we should be holy in everything, that as God who has called us  is holy, we should also be holy! This holiness must be both within and without. You must be holy in your heart and be holy in your appearance also. Don't let any Preacher deceive you with sugar coated mouth that it doesn't matter. It matters to God. Therefore all these Christians who live in deep worldliness singing and Rejoicing in the Church that they are serving God are just wasting their time! They wont see God on the last day because God is a holy God and He dwells in the fire of holiness. No worldly Christian will enter heaven. This is a BOTTOM LINE of truth that every Christian must know. 7. In addition, all these Pastors and Bishops that are deceiving their members using their positions of authority, will surely account for the souls they have sent to hell fire on that day! Many Christian Leaders are busy working for Satan, preparing and sending precious souls to hell everyday! They will surely give account of these souls to God. Don't think that you will send your members to hell fire and you will go to heaven to rejoice with God. This is a fundamental Truth that every Minister of God must know before it is too late.  Pls share this message with your Friends and neighbours to at save some from perishing. Thank you very much and God shall bless mightily In Jesus name. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmmm, we thank God. He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Holy Spirit is revealing to the Church in this end time!