Saturday, 27 August 2016


 This is the continuation of the lesson given to us last week on prayers. It is vital to note that lessons on prayers are very interesting and impactful because it is a practical subject. It is not theory but practical. You already know th
at prayer is the power of every true Christian! Any Christian who is not praying is playing in his or her Christian journey. Believe it or not, a prayer less Christian cannot make it to heaven! That was why Jesus admonished His disciples and said "Men aught always to pray and not to faint" Lk 18:1.
You shouldn't give up in your prayer efforts. One of the major problems affecting many Christians, churches and ministries today is, PRAYERLESSNESS! And Satan and his cohort are very much happy and comfortable with prayer less Christians and ministries! On the contrary, Satan is always sad and sorrowful to see a Christian or a church that is always praying. Why because he hates prayers to the core. Why because serious and effective prayers always scatter his plans and programs against humanity! Well, In this second edition, I want to continue to share with you on how you can offer effective prayers that will bring quick results for you and how you can shake the foundations of your enemies and finally overthrow them! Friend, if you want to succeed in this life and make it to heaven at last, you must take prayers seriously.
  Please read this article with understanding, passion and meditation and you will never remain the same again in Jesus name! 

1. PRAY WITH A CONCERNED HEART AND LOVE - When you want to pray to get result, don't offer tongue tied prayers! Pray from the depth of your heart with true love. Prophet Elisha offered this kind of prayer for a barren woman and she was conceived immediately! 2Kgs 4:15-17. The prayer was offered out of concern for the woman who was very caring for the Servant of God! Jesus raised Lazarus to life because of the concern and love He had for the family. He showed this by physically weeping with them. John 11:35. When you pray this way you will see the result. If you pray for a neighbor who is having a challenge with concern and love, God will answer the Prayer immediately. 

2. PRAY WITH HUMILITY - One of the problems people have in communicating effectively with God in prayer is Pride! The Bible says pride goeth before destruction. Jesus gave us the illustration of two men - a pharisee and a publican - who came to pray in the house of God. The pharisee was proud while the publican was humbled enough to confess his sins! It was the Prayer of the publican that was answered! Lk 18:9-14. God says He hates pride. It is when you humble yourself that God will lift you up. Therefore, prayers offered with pride cannot get breakthrough. One of the practical ways we can show humility before God in prayer is ability or willingness to fall down on our KNEES before the Lord. There are so many Christians who find it difficult to knee before the Lord in prayers! That is pride. Do you know that as you bow your head and knee down before the Lord, that is how your challenges, problems, demons and every power of darkness will surrender to you when you command or bind them? Let me freely tell you friend, the level of your humility before God and submissiveness to your superior leaders in the faith will also determine how demons and circumstances surrounding you will submit to you! This is the law and the prophet! From today, if you want to pray to get results, pray with humility before God and submissiveness to your leaders in the faith. James 4:7,10, Heb 13:17. From now on you will begin to succeed in prayers in Jesus name. 

3. INTERCEDE FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST! One of the ways our prayers can be answered very fast is to go into intercession, especially for the church. The church is Christ's only vital property on the earth. The Lord wants every true believer to be praying for the church. He told His disciples to pray that the Lord should send laborers into His Vineyard. Mt 9:38. I read the story of a Korean pastor that Jesus asked him to resign from his work and begin to pray for the church! Beloved, do you know that praying for the church so that she will continue to grow and be protected from evil forces is a great assignment? Look, when you start praying and interceding for the church seriously, the Lord will solve your personal problems miraculously! Intercession is a mystery! 

4. PRAY WITH SEED AND VOWS - If you want to show to God that you are serious in your prayer demand, SOW A SEED or make A VOW! It was when Hanna made a vow concerning her demand for a child that her prayers were answered! I Sam 1:9-11,19. She had been praying all this while but her prayers were not heard until the day she took a step further to make a vow! You can equally use this method today and see the result. SOW a seed or make a vow if your situation is precarious and stubborn and you will see what the Lord will do. 

5. ASK FOR VISIONS AND REVELATIONS IN YOUR PRAYERS. This is very important. There are some revelations or visions you will see during prayers that will solve your problem for ever! That is, your eyes will be opened spiritually! In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord Jehovah says we should call upon Him and He will show us great and mighty things which we don't know! The reason why so many people's relationship with God is not cordial and their Christian life is shallow, it's because they don't have deep revelation from the Lord. The Bible says where there is no vision people perish. Prov 29:18. Some believers don't have the fear of God because they don't have the revelation of God's judgment. The day you will see the vision of hell fire, nobody will tell you before you begin to confess your sins over and over. In 1975, in a dream, I experienced how the judgment of God looks like. All of a sudden, I found myself on a very long queue for judgment. That time I was still in primary school. But the Lord in His mercy asked the angel to send me back that I had not even started my mission! That time I was not even born again. I was living in sins but highly committed in Catholic church, no body told us about being born again there but we were very religious! It was when I came to Lagos 1984 that somebody from Christian Life Evangelical Ministry (CLEM) came to preach to me and took me to this living ministry where I gave my life to Chris and became born again on the 3rd of March 1984. PRAISE THE LORD! Glory be to His Name in the highest! I will never forget the experience. Today many Christians never see any revelation that will change their lives for ever and that is why they are weak in the faith. They are weak in their prayer life. They are weak in soul winning. They are weak in their commitment in the church! Why because they have not seen any special revelation about God and eternity. That is why many of them are arguing with the truth. The Prayer that God answers is not a joking matter. Pls share this lesson with your neighbors. TO BE CONTINUED!

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