Saturday, 27 August 2016


  Beloved, i received a divine instruction to release this message to all Christians worldwide when i was on my prayer Altar and i MUST obey this divine command without any delay! This message is very URGENT for every Christian and Ministers of God globally. And what is it?

 1. PREPARE, THE RAPTURE IS IMMINENT! The Lord says He is coming any moment from now! That everyone should prepare himself and his house. His coming is suddenly like a thief in the night. 2Pet 3:10,11. This is a crucial and urgent message for everyone of us, especially those Christians who are living carelessly and at ease without making any preparation to meet the Lord in the air! You need to prepare for the Rapture by examining yourself everyday, confess your sins to Him and Him alone and ask for His mercy upon your life.

2. STOP CRUCIFYING CHRIST AFRESH! The Bible says if you fall away from Christ into sin and remain there, you are crucifying Christ afresh. Read Heb 6:6. Many Christians are crucifying and wounding Christ afresh, putting Him to an open shame before the people of the World. The Lord says you should STOP! You are injuring Him seriously by committing sins. Friend, do you know that the injury Christ sustained on the Cross for humanity over 2000 years ago is still Fresh from all the available revelations we have received so far? Why because many Christians are still committing sins, doing all kinds of atrocities in the body of Christ. Look, any time you commit sin, such as fornication, adultery, dressing indecently, telling lies, painting your lips and fingers, refusing to preach the truth as a Minister of God, holding malice and unforgiveness against your neighbor, visiting bar beach or any demonic place to get evil power, etc, you are heavily crucifying Christ afresh!

3. KEEP YOUR BODY HOLY. The Bible says we Christians are the Temple of God. "Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" 1Cor 3:16. Verse 17 issues the judgement, "If any man defile the Temple of God him shall God destroy, for the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are" This is a clear warning to all Christians worldwide. You may be asking how am i defiling the Temple of God, which is my body? You will defile your body which is the Temple of God by the use of bleach to change your natural complexion to unnatural. You defile it also by drawing Tattoo on your body or hanging any thing ornament, jewelries, changing your natural hairdos to unnatural by the use of demonic chemicals like shampoo or burning your hair to change its natural colour! By doing all these things you are defiling your body which is the Temple of God. Mind you, you will Not make it to heaven with that kind of body and hairdos. Read Rom 1:26,27,32. This passage has revealed that even those who have pleasure in people living like this, encouraging or supporting people to be defiling their body, will have the same judgement! Friend, the need to keep your body, which is the Temple of God holy, is a task that MUST be done by You!

4. AS A MINISTER OF GOD, PREACH THE TRUE GOSPEL! Preach the Word like Paul and the early Apostles. 1Cor 15:1-3, 2Tim 4:1-4. The early Apostles preached the gospel without fear or Favour. They preached the Truth and rebuked sinners openly. Apostle Peter rebuked Ananias and his wife before the Church without playing politics over their offence as we are seeing in many Churches today. This is an urgent message for all Ministers of God in the 21st CENTURY!

5. SEEK FOR THE OLD PATH..... AND FOLLOW IT - The Lord Jehovah speaking through Prophet Jeremiah says His true Children should ask for the Old Path, the Good Way, and walk therein so that they can find rest for their souls. Jere 6:16. This is an urgent message. Every Christian should go back to the Old Time Faith! The Lord Jehovah has seriously warned against removing the Old Land Marks! Read prov 22:28, 23:10. It is a serious offence and sin to remove the Old Land Marks! That is, it is a serious sin before God to leave the Old Path that He has commanded and begin to follow the new modern which He has not commanded or approved! In short, many Christians are making a great mistake today by following modern Christianity and forsaking Ancient Christianity! This is an urgent message for every heavenly minded Christian. You are to retrace your steps back to the Old Path, which is the Path of life, and follow it.

6. LET GOD BE FIRST IN YOUR LIFE - Mt 6:33, the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Today, many Christians do not allow God to assume His first position in their lives, homes, businesses or offices. God should be First in your life now and Not your money, office or business! This is an urgent message for all heaven candidates in this end time.

7. KEEP SUNDAY HOLY! This is another vital message for all Christians living on earth today. Ex 20:8, "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" This is a serious command from the Creator of the Universe which many Churches and Ministries have out-rightly neglected today describing it as an Old Testament Law! As you are reading this article, millions of Souls are weeping profusely in hell because of the Way they treated SUNDAY, the Lord's Day. You are not supposed to do your personal work on Sunday. You are to be doing that which is the Lord's business such as preaching, praying, visiting the brethren, evangelizing your Community, reading your Bible, meditating on His Word etc. But today, many Christians are doing their businesses on Sunday, going to market, buying and selling without obeying this divine commandment. In Jere 17:21&22, the Spirit of God says, "Thus saith the Lord, take heed to yourselves and bear No Burden on the SABBATH DAY, nor bring it (businesses) in by the gates of Jerusalem. Neither carry forth a Burden ( personal engagements) out of your houses on the Sabbath Day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the Sabbath Day, as I commanded your fathers " This is a clear and urgent command from God which many Christians have rejected today because of the love of money and the deceitfulness of sin!

8. BE STEADFAST IN YOUR FAITH - Rev 3:11," Behold I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown " Beloved, you are to be Steadfast in your Faith so that the enemy will not take your crown! This is a warning to every Believer in Christ. Many Christians started Christian race very well but along the line they backslid and could not hold unto the End! It is the person that endured unto the end that will be crowned! Mt 24:13. Note, if you pray seriously the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and give you further revelations! Pls share this Urgent Message to your neighbours if you love them. Thank you and God bless you richly for reading this message. GLORY HALLELUJAH!

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