Saturday, 27 August 2016


    When i was meditating and praying in the mid night, last night, a passage in the book of Isaiah was brought to my mind and i opened it. It is Isa 48:17 & 18. Beloved, what the Lord revealed to me in that passage really sweetened my heart! I was highly excited. There were three things the Lord revealed to me from there viz, 1. The Lord says He is the One who teaches His Children to PROFIT. That is, He is the brain behind True Prosperity and success in life. And of course, if the Lord does not prosper you, any attempt to prosper or succeed in life will be a fruitless effort! 2. The Lord also revealed to me from there that He is the One that will truly lead and guide His Children the way they should follow. That He is the brain behind true direction in life. Think about this. Obviously, many people that wanted to lead or guide themselves or allowed the devil to lead them have made shipwreck of their faith and are fallen from the grace today! 3. Finally, the Lord then lamented in V 18 and says if people can hearken unto Him and keep His commandments, their peace will be like the River and their Righteousness will be like the waves of the Sea! The Lord reveals that people, especially His Children are missing many things seriously because they refuse to surrender and obey His word wholeheartedly! This is a deep revelation for all who are looking for true success, Prosperity and Breakthroughs in life! You don't need to visit any herbalist or travel to India in search of success and Breakthroughs. You don't need to travel abroad before you can succeed. There is a Divine Allocation for every human being anywhere you are on the earth! All you need to do is to fully surrender your life to Jesus Christ, love Him with all your heart, fully obey His commandments, separate yourself from those things that He hates, be busy in the business of soul winning into the kingdom of God, and i tell you, He will answer you speedily and cause you to prosper and succeed greatly in your life and family. That is all! Please meditate on these things and share it with your neighbors. God bless you richly in Jesus Powerful Name. Amen and Amen!!

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