Saturday, 27 August 2016


    This message is meant for all Ministers of God globally. Many things are fallen apart in Christendom today because
 (1) The Ministers of God are not living up to the standard God has set for the Church from the apostolic days and (2), The devil and his demons are also fighting seriously to ensure that No one enters heaven! This is pathetic. Ministers of the gospel need to constantly examine themselves in various ways as the Bible has cautioned. "Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves.." 2Cor 13:5. Now, all Ministers of God should be examining themselves in the following areas, viz:

1. YOUR FIRST LOVE FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY - When you started this work, immediately the Lord called you Into the Ministry, you were fervent, truthful, doing everything without complaining or grudging. Are you still in that first love? The Lord rebuked the Leaders of the Church of Ephesus of their backsliding from the first love. Rev 2:1-5. Many Ministers are backslidden today from their first love. Pls examine yourself.

2. YOUR PREACHING /TEACHINGS - This is a very vital area for all Ministers to examine themselves very well. What are you preaching to your congregation? Some people describe some Preachers as Powerful. How do we know a powerful Preacher? We know who is a powerful Preacher by the lifestyles of members. Just look at the congregation and see the people, you will know whether the Pastor is powerful or not. The Pastor that is powerful will affect and influence his members to live a holy life and obey the word of God. You will see changes in the lives of members. In a Church where people live the way they like, women praying in the Church without covering their heads, some ladies are in trousers which is an abomination to God (Deut 22:5),men praying with cap on their heads which is against God's word (1Cor 11:7), you see worldliness in the deepest sense in the Church of Jesus Christ and somebody is calling that Pastor a powerful Preacher! That is fake. Such a Preacher be it Bishop, General Overseer, Right Reverend, Great Evangelist etc is working for Satan and not for God. He or she is gathering souls for hell and not for heaven! If you are a member in that kind of Assembly, you better run away for your life and save your soul. Today some Ministers are mere Comedians! They are just entertaining their members, making them to laugh and nothing more. When Christ was here in His Ministry, did you see anywhere He was preaching and people were laughing? Rather than laughing they were in sober reflection, highly touched, even weeping for their evil condition. Preachers be careful. Examine your preaching and teachings. You will give account of it.

3. THE HANDLING OF THE CHURCH /MINISTRY - This is another crucial area. How are you handling the Church or the ministry Committed into your hand? Are you leading the people according to God's will? Remember, the Church is Christ's property on earth. You are not the owner of it. Are you handling the Church or the Ministry like earthly business? Some Leaders are now introducing some things which God hates into the Ministry. A clear example of this is football game in Christian Ministry, a game which many seasoned Christians know that it is an Anti-christ Institution! Note, God is watching. You will give account how you handled that Church or the Ministry in your hand. Right now nobody can challenge you because of your position but be careful because you will surely give account to the Superior One!

 4. DREAMS, VISIONS AND REVELATIONS - This is a very serious area that every Minister of God should be examining himself or herself. The rate at which many Ministers of God who started very well are now being led astray due to false revelations, visions and dreams is becoming so worrisome, alarming and unprecedented! These Ministers started very well from the beginning but because they were not watchful over what they were seeing In the dreams or the voices they were hearing, they have now missed the road and are now being led astray. They are no longer speaking the truth. Ministers should be careful about the voices they are hearing and the visions, dreams or revelations they receive. You should also be careful about who is prophesying to you! Any dream, vision, revelation or prophecy that is not in line with the Bible should be rejected. It is coming from the devil's kingdom. To Be Continued! You are free to share this message to save a Christian Leader today!

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